Pole Creek Recreation
Area Clear Cut Objections.
Feb 9, 2023
Many people enjoy playing on “the mountain” just outside of Buffalo year round, with the Pole Creek Recreation Area being a highlight during the winter.
Listen to Aaron Kessler, President of Powder Pass Nordic Club outline the club’s concerns with the Forest Service’s proposed clear-cut project known as the Pole Creek Vegetation Management Project.
The Pole Creek Nordic Area, which includes several miles of well-used trails, would be significantly impacted and the club is asking that the area be exempted from the project.
Find out more here https://www.powderpassnordic.org/pole-creek-needs-you
However, that area is a very small part of the overall proposed area subject to timber management in the Pole Creek and Doyle Creek areas. Find out more about the scope of the project and the implications for the mountain landscape by visiting https://www.fs.usda.gov/project/?project=61834&exp=overview
Note: Public comment period closes Tuesday February 21st, 2023.
Don’t miss out on this year’s Pole Creek Challenge! Register here https://runsignup.com/Race/WY/Buffalo/PoleCreekChallenge