Latest Features

Where are JC Mental Health Services?
JC Commissioners Meeting
October 15th, 2024

Following several community members sounding the alarm, Johnson County Commissioners have been actively tackling what appears to be severe shortfalls by Volunteers of America (VOA) in providing adequate mental health services to the community. (The Wyoming Department of Health contracts VOA to provide mental health services in the areas previously serviced by Northern Wyoming Mental Health—a contract worth $17.3 million.)  

As a result, VOA attended the Commissioner’s meeting on Oct 15 to discuss “specific needs and gaps within Johnson County regarding mental health services.”

Listen to the discussion that ensued as VOA defended its services and faced tough questions from the Commissioners and several community members who shared their personal experiences of the consequences of VOA's shortcomings at a time when mental health services are needed more than ever. 

Mental health issues are often misunderstood or downplayed;however mental health services are just as vital as traditional physical health services because mental well-being directly impacts overall health and quality of life. Mental health disorders, like depression, anxiety, or addiction, can affect physical health, leading to chronic conditions such as heart disease or weakened immune systems.

Just as we prioritize treating physical ailments, addressing mental health issues is essential for holistic care, helping individuals function fully in their personal and professional lives, and fostering healthier communities overall. Neglecting mental health can lead to long-term societal and economic costs, making it crucial to prioritize both psychological and physical health equally.

For further information see recent correspondence between Johnson County Commisioner Chairman Bill Novotny and VOA Executive Vice President Health Steel. 

Chairman's letter to VOA 

VOA letter to JC County Commissioners

2% Lodging Tax Increase?
Yes? or No?
October 2024

On the November ballot, voters are being asked to vote yes or no to a 2% increase in Johnson County Lodging Tax, bumping the rate from 5% to 7%. 

Lodging Tax revenue funds the Johnson County Tourism Association, the organization tasked with promoting Johnson County and attracting visitors to come, stay & play in our community. This is an important role as many of our local businesses depend on visitors and tourists to keep thriving. 

The 2% increase applies to lodging only, solely for people staying overnight in one of our local hotels, motels, campgrounds, or short-term rentals.  For example: on a nightly room rate of $100, the lodging tax would increase from $5 to $7.  (Note: example excludes additional local/state taxes)

Toby Carrig, Marketing Director of JCTA explains the proposal, how it compares to other parts of Wyoming, and who would benefit from the additional revenue.   

For more information about Johnson County Tourism Association, click here


Buffalo City Council Meeting
October 15th, 2024

Call to Order 0:45
Pledge of Allegiance
Approval of Agenda
Approval of Minutes, Oct 1, 2024, Regular Meeting

Unfinished Business 
Ordinance #1418 - 1st Rdg - An ordinance amending chapter 25: Transient Merchant and Religious or Charitable Permits, Section 7 (c), (d), Licenses, and Section 8, Violations, of the Code of the City of Buffalo, Wyoming, pertaining to licensing fees and violations. 2:00

New Business (none)

Reports 2:50
City Attorney, Dennis Kirven
Building Inspector, Terry Asay
Police Chief, Sean Bissett
Public Works Director, Kevin Silbernagel

Oral/Written Comments 13:00
- Sunset St Project

Announcements 17:25
Dept Head mtg - Nov 5 @ 7 am
City/County mtg -Nov 19 @ 7 am
City Council mtgs - Nov 5.219 25 pm
City offices closed Nov 11, 28 & 29

Approval of Bills 19:30

Adjourn 20:15

County Commissioner Meeting
October 15th, 2024

Pledge of Allegiance 1:00
Approval of Agenda

Resolution 738 Operation Green Light For Veterans 2:00
U.S. Forest Service Hazelton Parking Area Contract 6:20
Map Server Contract Renewal 11:15
Volunteers of America (VOA) Update  20:10
Ashes to the Table Community Dinner 1:50:00
Appointment of Outside Council Tucker Ruby, County Attorney 2:00:10

Vouchers Jackie Camino, County Clerk 2:03:15

Public Comment 2:04:50
- Mary Forbes - mental health services
- Jan Weigel- mental health services

Adjourn 2:07:50

City County Meeting
October 15th, 2024

Open 0:00
Main St Paving Update
& Preliminary Parking Discussion for 2025 Construction Season 0:05
Special Purpose Tax Update 6:45
US Forest Service District Ranger Vacancy 12:40
Community Mental Health Services 16:20
Updates/Announcements 18:20
Madsen - Ashes to Table
Appointment of Outside Council
Food truck vendor licenses increase 20:40

Public Comment
S Bypass Trail, Jerry Spiering 21:30
Update on proposed 2% Lodging Tax increase JCTA, Carrig 24:10

Next Meeting November 19 @ 7:00 am

JCSD#1 Board Meeting
October 14th, 2024

Pledge of Allegiance 1:00
Roll Call
Early Graduation Students
Additions/Accept Agenda

Consent Agenda 6:00
Early Graduation Requests
Procurement Purchases
FY 24 Omitted Warrants

Action Items 7:30
Policy Revision - and Reading
Continued Research on JCSD#1 Graduation Credits
Resignation of Legal Counsel
Recommendation of Legal Counsel

General Reports 55:00
Principal Reports
District Ops Team Reports
District Admin Reports
Board Level Reports

Other Business 1:23:00
From the Board
WSBA Conference Nov 20-22 (awards/resolutions)
Leadership Book Study
Nov 6th Special Session (work session)
Nov 11th Board Meeting
Board Leadership Training - Covey

Public Comment
Kami Kennedy 1:34:45

Executive Session 1:38:00


Rural Healthcare District Board Meeting
October 14th, 2024

Note:  Audio has been edited to remove several minutes testing of the building's alarm system 

Approve Agenda 1:15
Approve Minutes General Meeting 9 Sept ‘24 2:15
Approve Special Meeting Minutes

Treasurer’s Report 6:00 

Buffalo Director’s Report
Kaycee Director’s Report 25:25     

New Building 30:20
Purchase Van Ambulance 35:35

New Business
Patient Payments Directly Deposited 45:50
Patient Balance in Collection 47:25
Stryker Life Pack 53:30

Call for New Business 1:07:25
Public Comment (none)

Review Vouchers 1:07:30  approve

Debrief from COB Request for waiver of fees 1:19:00

Adjourn 1:26:00

Budget Hearing: Budget Amendment Oct 24, 2024, @ 1:00 pm
JC Planning Office, Buffalo, WY

Next Regular Board Meeting Nov 11, 2024 @ 4:00 pm
JC Planning Office, Buffalo, WY

Jeffrey Cope
Buffalo City Council Candidate
October 2024

The City Council race is the only contested election in Johnson County this November.

Meet Jeffrey Cope, one of the three candidates who have stepped up to lead.  With only two seats available, one will be left disappointed.

We sat down with each candidate to explore their vision for our city—diving into their plans, priorities, and strategies for addressing the challenges ahead.

This is your chance to hear directly from them, get a sense of who they are, and understand how they intend to tackle pressing issues like the affordable housing shortage, making tough decisions, and balancing the City’s budget before you cast your vote.

Listen in and find out more about Jeffrey Cope.

Scott Madsen
Buffalo City Council Candidate
October 2024

The City Council race is the only contested election in Johnson County this November.

Meet Scott Madsen, one of the three candidates who have stepped up to lead.  With only two seats available, one will be left disappointed.

We sat down with each candidate to explore their vision for our city—diving into their plans, priorities, and strategies for addressing the challenges ahead.

This is your chance to hear directly from them, get a sense of who they are, and understand how they intend to tackle pressing issues like the affordable housing shortage, making tough decisions, and balancing the City’s budget before you cast your vote.

Listen in and find out more about Scott Madsen.

Wes Haskins
Buffalo City Council Candidate
October 2024

The City Council race is the only contested election in Johnson County this November.

Meet Wes Haskins, one of the three candidates who have stepped up to lead.  With only two seats available, one will be left disappointed.

We sat down with each candidate to explore their vision for our city—diving into their plans, priorities, and strategies for addressing the challenges ahead.

This is your chance to hear directly from them, get a sense of who they are, and understand how they intend to tackle pressing issues like the affordable housing shortage, making tough decisions, and balancing the City’s budget before you cast your vote.

Listen in and find out more about Wes Haskins.

From the Ashes to the Table
Why YOU need to be there
October 2024

“We live where when someone needs help, everyone comes running.  WE’re all in this together, and what better way to learn each other’s needs than at the dinner table - Johnson County’s longest dinner table!  Be there!”  Ashlea Bassett, From the Ashes to the Table’ co-organizer.

If you don’t think this is for you - think again.   We are all connected - you may not realize quite how great the impact of the House Draw Fire was on many families in our community. 

Listen in and discover why we all need to come together as a cornerstone of Johnson County embarks on the long road of recovery. 

Find out more:
From the Ashes to the Table
Go right to the jotform 

Follow on Facebook 

Code Red
Your Smartest Sign Up?
October 2024

Whether it’s severe weather rolling in, a hazardous wildfire, or another local safety or public concern, Code Red is the best way to stay in the know about emergencies that could affect you and your loved ones.

Find out more about the free Code Red emergency alert system with JC Emergency Management Coordinator Jimmy Cataline.

It’s customizable and used sparingly, so you won’t get bombarded with unnecessary notifications, and it’s always there when it matters most.

So listen in, as we take a closer look at how this powerful tool works and why signing up could be the smartest move you make this year.

Sign Up for Code Red 

Jimmy Cataline
JC Emergency Management Coordinator
26 N DeSmet Ave
Buffalo, WY 82834
Office: (307) 684-2761
Cell: (307) 620-0837

Buffalo City Council Meeting
October 1st, 2024

Call to Order 0:45
Pledge of Allegiance
Approval of Agenda
Approval of Minutes

Public Hearing 1:55
State Revolving Fund Application - Buffalo Tank Project 

Unfinished Business (none)

New Business
- Councilman Madsen, Sept 17 meeting absence 4:55
- Resolution #1486 A resolution authorizing submission of an application to the state loan and investment board for a loan through the state revolving fund on behalf of the governing body for the Town of the City of Buffalo for the purpose of a City of Buffalo 600,000 gallon water tank repair 5:20
- Chamber of Commerce - Monster March St Closure Request 5:55
- FFA Advisor, Leif Norskog - request to use Clear Creek Trail for Haunted Hike 8:15
- Taylor Hepp - Request for sign variance 8:45
- Golf Course Lease Agreement 10:00
- Mayor’s Appointment - Candice Christenson, Lodging Tax Board 11:45
- Ordinance #1418 - 1st Rdg - An ordinance amending chapter 25: Transient Merchants and Religious or Charitable Permits, Section 7 (c) (d), Licenses and Section 8, Violations ,of the Code of the City of Buffalo, Wyoming, pertaining to licensing fees and violations. 12:20
- Johnson County Rural Healthcare District - Request for permit fee waiver for new ambulance barn 13:15
Electric Line Easement 19:25

Reports 22:20
City Attorney, Dennis Kirven
Building Inspector, Terry Asay
Police Chief, Sean Bissett 22:45
Public Works Director 26:40

Oral/Written Comments (none)  27:25

Announcements 30:40
City/County Mtg Oct 15 @ 7 am
City Council Mtg Oct 15 @ 5 pm
City Hall closed Oct 14 - regular trash pick up

Approval of Bills 31:15

Adjourn  32:00

County Commissioner Meeting
October 1st, 2024

Call to Order 0:45
Pledge of Allegiance
Approval of Sept 17 Meeting Minutes

General County Business
Bontrager Minor Subdivision Final Approval 2:10
Forest Service Letter Regarding Ranger Vacancy 13:30

Vouchers  17:35

Public Comment (none) 18:30  

VOA Services, Commissioner Shelley 19:15

Adjourn 19:35

Next meeting Oct 15, 2024 @ 9:00 am

City of Buffalo
Dept Head Meeting
October 1st, 2024

Open 0:45
Itinerant Vendor Ordinance 1:00
Golf Course Lease Agreement 11:20
Major Capital Construction Projects Update 16:05
Main St WYDOT Project
- Lighting
- Optional Water & Sewer Services Billing
- Sunset St Progress
- Water Meter Replacement Update
- Tank Repair - Water Treatment Plant
- Wells Project
- State Land Asphalt Patching
- Chip & Seal/Asphalt Repair Projects
- City Pool Repairs
- Flat Iron Lighting
- City Hall Repairs
- City Dumpster

Dept. Head Items
- City Attorney, Dennis Kirven Clerk 30:35
- Police Chief, Sean Bissett 36:30
- Building Inspector, Terry Asay 38:00

Board Liaison & Council Updates
- Councilman Madsen 39:00
- Mayor Shane Schrader s 41:00

Adjourn 41:50

Next Meeting
Nov 4, 2024 @ 7am

Igniting Hope
JC Fire Relief Fund
September 2024

In just a few short days, the House Draw Fire upended the livelihoods of many local ranchers and landowners.  They lost pastures, fences, livestock, and wildlife.  They are now faced with the daunting task of recovery after this massive wildfire. The immense scale of the affected area makes those efforts very challenging.   

Johnson County has long been characterized by how neighbors look after neighbors, so it was no surprise that a secure fund has sprung up to provide support for those in need; The Johnson County Fire Relief Fund, a safe and tax-efficient fund to gather and distribute donations.   

Many emergency aid resources are available, but they frequently come with a bewildering amount of red tape, and multiple exemptions and rarely cover the entire overhead.  Johnson County Fire Relief Fund has close ties to those affected, understands their unique needs, and aims to bridge the gaps wherever possible.

Find out more about the challenges with Meg Scales, one of the fund's co-founders, why the fund is needed, and who it will support.

Those impacted are our neighbors, and our entire community is likely to experience in some way or other consequences from this enormous burn.

If you want to help, find out more:
Johnson County Fire Relief Fund

Send checks to:
Johnson County Fire Relief Fund 
PO Box 41, Buffalo, Wyoming 82834
Please make checks out to ‘Johnson County Fire Relief Fund’

Or donate in person:
First Northern Bank,
Please make checks out to ‘Johnson County Fire Relief Fund’

Donate by Paypal:

Follow on Facebook

If making a financial donation is not for you, but you want to help, Summit Church are coordinating ‘in kind’ donations.
Find out more by contacting Jodi Crago
tel: 307 6849548
Or Click Here 

When The Smoke Clears
Wildfire Recovery
September 2024

If you think House Draw Fire is old news, think again. It's been just a few weeks since the flames were extinguished, but the aftermath?  It's just beginning to heat up. The House Draw fire was a record-breaker; the most significant single fire in Wyoming history.  It scorched a mind-boggling 175,000 acres, that’s around 273 square miles - bigger than the Denver metropolitan area. 

Now comes the enormous task of recovery.  Nearly 85% of this land is privately owned, the bread and butter for about sixty landowners and producers. They’re now knee-deep in a maze of recovery efforts, navigating layers of bureaucratic red tape and figuring out a web of government and non-government aid programs. There is also the costly but necessary battle against unwelcome invasive species like leafy spurge, cheatgrass, and vendetta, which threaten both the land itself, and the producers’ livelihoods.

Join us as Johnson County Commission Chairman Bill Novotny unpacks the challenges that lie ahead.  From the tangled webs of aid to the nitty-gritty of getting the producers back on their feet, find out what it will take for the whole community to bounce back from this massive wildfire.

Blazing Impact
Wildfire & The Environment
September 2024

At the end of August, The House Draw Fire, ripped across 175,000 acres of sagebrush and grasslands in northeast Wyoming, leaving behind a mosaic of charred earth, and etched its place in history as the state’s largest wildfire on record.

If it’s hard to picture 175,000 acres, think of it this way: that’s the same as 273 square miles, about 28 square miles bigger than the entire metropolitan area of Denver.

In this remote area, the impact goes way beyond the visible damage. It’s causing habitat loss, soil erosion, and creating new challenges to keep unwelcome invasive species from taking over.   All of this presents huge uncertainties and challenges for local cattle and sheep ranchers who play a big role in our community’s economy.  

There is also the controversial issue of sage grouse habitat. The balance between protecting sage grouse and supporting industries that rely on sagebrush landscapes makes this bird a lightning rod for broader environmental and economic discussions. The fire burned through crucial sagebrush habitat, which is essential for the survival of sage-grouse, especially during the nesting season.  

What will it take to heal these scorched lands? 
Join us as we delve into understanding the aftermath of this colossal blaze with local experts Ryan Fieldgrove, Allison McKenzie, and Zach Byram.  They shed light on the environmental impact, what it means for the flora and fauna and the overall ecosystem, and the people who rely on it for their livelihoods. 

For more information contact:

Zach Byram
Clear Creek Conservation District  
500 W Lott St 
Buffalo WY 82384 
307 620 3021

Allison McKenzie
Natural Resources Conservation Service, Buffalo WY
500 W Lott St
Buffalo WY 82834
307 684 2526


JC Hospital District Board Meeting
September 25th, 2024

Approve Meeting Minutes from Aug 28, 2024 0:00
AHCC Facility Assessment 2024 0:45
Leadership Reports 5:40
Clinic Report 18:10
CEO Report 21:50
Credentialing 31:55
JCHC Financial Performance 38:20
Restricted Use Money Market Account 44:45
Check Approval Process 48:15
Capital Budget - Ventilator 52:30
Air Handling Units 1:05:00


Buffalo City Council Meeting
September 17th, 2024

Call to Order 0:50
Pledge of Allegiance
Approval of Agenda
Approval of Sept 3 meeting minutes
Public Hearing 1:55
Mineral Royalty Grant Application, Buffalo Wells Project

Unfinished Business (none)

New Business
Councilman Madden absence Sept 3 2:50
Proclamation Sept 17-23 Constitution Week 3:40
Meadowlark Trunk or Treat event request 5:50
Johnson County Library Specific Purpose Tax Ballot 7:10
Bid Results Well Transmission System 9:50
Resolution #1484
A resolution authorizing submission of a Federal Mineral Royalty Capital Construction Account Grant Application to the State Loan and Investment Board on behalf of the Governing Body of the Town of Buffalo, Wyoming  11:40
Resolution #1485
A resolution authorizing submission of a grant request for the Wyoming Water Development Office (WWDO) Sponsor Contingency Fund on behalf of the Governing Body of the Town of Buffalo, Wyoming 13:30
Planning Services Proposal and Agreement 15:05
Johnson County Fire Relief event requests 16:45

Reports 22:50
City Attorney, Dennis Kirven (none)
Building Inspector, Terry Asay 23:05
Police Chief, Sean Bissett 24:30
Public Works, Kevin Silbernagel 26:30
Brent Bennett, Nelson Engineering 27:20

Oral/Written Comments
Amber Eggers, Chamber of Commerce 28:10

Announcements 30:35
Dept Head Mtg - Oct 1 @ 7am
City County Mtg - Oct 15 @ 7 am
City Council Mtgs - Oct 1 & 15 @ 5 pm
City Hall Closed - Oct 14

Approval of Bills 31:45

Adjourn 32:05

County Commissioner Meeting
September 17th, 2024

Call to Order 0:40
Pledge of Allegiance
Moment of Silence 
Approval of 3 Sept meeting minutes

Budget Amendment Resolution #737 2:20
FAA-Airport Infrastructure Grant Agreement
Land Use Plan Steering Committee Appointment 6:55
Community Radio Generator Grant Review
KBBS Memorandum of Understanding 8:00
Catering Permit  13:00
Wyoming Library Multipurpose Community Faculty Program Grant Award 14:25
Natural Resource Letters: 31:50
- National Old Growth Amendment Letter
- RANCH Act Letter

Vouchers 35:20

Public Comment 36:30
Gerry Spiering Ballot Question 

Executive Session - Litigation 38:00




City County Meeting
September 17th 2024

Open 0:50
JC Library - specific purpose tax & Kaycee Library Grant 
Bomber Mountain Civic Center 8:10Scott Madsen - JC Fire Relief Fund update 31:00
Myra Camino - paint ball vandalism 32:15
Fire mitigation on green belt 33:50
Community fire response 35:15
Gerry Spiering - City Planner update request 36:40

Close 37:40

Next meeting 
Tuesday 15 Oct @7:00 am

Cemetery District Board Meeting
September 10th 2024

Open 0:00
Public Comment (none) 0:05

Approve Agenda 0:10
Approve Vouchers 0:25
Approve Previous Meeting Minutes 1:00

Finance Report 2:30

Sexton Report 12:50
-  Kaycee Cemetery
-  Willow Grove Cemetery

Old Business
- Election 27:10
- Review by-laws discussion 27:40

New Business
- Ditch Board discussion 34:30   

Adjourn 41:15

Next meeting in Kaycee 38:30  Oct 8th @ 2:00 pm
(will be also available by Zoom)


JDSC#1 Board Meeting
September 9th 2024

Regular Session
Pledge of Allegiance 0:00
Roll Call
Additions/Accept Agenda

Public Comment
Corey Arnold 3:15
Laurel Foster 7:40
Liz Graves 14:50

Consent Agenda 14:25
WHSAA Participation Application
Isolation Requests
Bus Routes

Action Items 18:10
Policy Revision - first reading

General Reports 18:50
Spotlight - Kaycee
Principal Reports
District Ops Team Reports 35:35
District Admin Reports 40:20
Board Level Reports 48:40
BOCES 51:35

Other Business
From the Board 52:15
- Kristen Ledoux 
October 9th Special Session (work session) 58:20
October 14th Board Meeting 1:00:20
Board Docs Update 1:00:50
Public Comment Period Time 1:02:00

Executive Session
W.S. 16-4-405 (a)(iii) legal matters 1:08:50




Rural Healthcare District Board Meeting
September 9th, 2024

Open 045
Approve Agenda  0:45
Approve Meeting Minutes Sept 9, 2024 2:00

Treasurer’s Report 2:35

Ambulance Reports
Buffalo Director’s Report 8:05
Kaycee Director's Report 10:35
- Kaycee Staffing Issues

Old Business
New Building 45:05
New Ambulance Update/Options For Second One 59:05

Vouchers 1:19:20

Adjourn 1:36:35

Next meeting Oct 14, 2024 @ 4:00 pm
JC Planning Office, Buffalo

Buffalo City Council Meeting
September 3rd, 2024

Call to Order 0:00
Condolences to Councilman Madden
Pledge of Allegiance 
Approval of Agenda 
Approval of Minutes -
Aug 20, 2024 Regular Meeting 

Land Use Plan


Councilwoman Camino August 20 meeting absence
Resolution #1483  A resolution to adopt the 2024 Buffalo Land Use Plan 1:55

Proclamation: September 8 through September 14 Suicide Prevention Week 4:00- 
Remarks by Bill Hawley, Suicide Prevention Coordinator

Buffalo High School, Homecoming Parade Street closure request 10:20

Mayor’s Appointment 12:00
- Brian Whitlock, Lodging Tax Board 

City Attorney, Dennis Kirven 12:25
Building Inspector, Terry Asay 12:35
Police Chief, Sean Bissett 13:50
Brent Bennett, Sunset St Update 16:00


City/County mtg – Tues Sept 17 @ 7 a.m.
City Council mtg – Tues Sept17 @ 5 p.m.



House Draw Fire Public Meeting
August 30th, 2024

This was a Public Meeting focusing on the House Draw Fire with key SouthWest Area Incident Team #5 members held in Kaycee.  This is Complex Incident Management Team assumed command of the fire, as well as other simultaneous regional fires on Sun 25 August;  Flat Rock, Constitution and Remington Fires. 

Topics covered include:
Review of Timeline (and initial firefighting initiatives)
Suppression Repair/Reclamation
Incident Meterologist Forecast
Fire Behavior Analysis; previous conditions, spread pattern of the fire, looking forward to new ignition forces
Incident Commander’s Remarks
Next Steps; agencies collaborating in restoration projects. 

For more information contact:
jC Emergency Management Coordinator,
Jimmy Cataline
26 n DeSmet Ave, Buffalo WY 82834
tel: 307 684 2761

Anita Bartlett (Kaycee)
Power River Conservation District
tel: 3077382321


County Commissioner Meeting
September 3rd, 2024

Call to Order 0:00
Pledge of Allegiance
Welcome Ogden Driskill, Wyoming Senate Chairman
Approval Aug 20 Meeting Minutes

Special Prosecutor Resolution #736 1:40
Harold Jarrard Park Board Appointments 3:40
Comprehensive Use Plan Steering Committee Appointments 5:30
TANF CPI Johnson County Contract 7:20
House Draw Fire Update 12:00
Emergency Management Coordinator 
Fire Warden 24:00
Approval of letter for USDA Disaster Declaration 39:00

Vouchers 39:30

Reminders - House Draw Fire Related Meetings 52:10

Public Comment (none) 52:40

Executive Session  52:55


City of Buffalo
Dept Head Meeting
September 3rd, 2024

Open 0:10
Interstate Engineering Agreement 0:30
Golf Course Lease Agreement 6:35
Major Capital Construction Projects Update 15:50
- Wells Project Update
- Sunset St Project Update
- Main St Update
- Water Meter Replacement
- Fire Camp Water Treatment
- Chip & Seal Projects
- Smart Water Meters 21:20

Dept Head Items
- City Attorney 25:05
- Clerk 
- Fire Chief Fire Warden 35:55

Board Liaison & Council Updates 32:30
- Mayor Schrader 
- City Attorney 

Next Meeting Oct 1, 2024 37:20

Close 37:35

Parent Liaison Program
What IS that?!
Sept 2024

Ask any parent, and those who are honest with you will tell you that parenting is challenging and often does not go 'according to plan'!  We all need a little extra help or support from time to time.  That’s where JCSD#1’s Parent Liaison program comes in. 

Let’s face it, real life can be messy, and sometimes the solution to a problem isn't clear or remains out of reach. Whether your child is going through changes at home or with friends, you're facing parenting challenges, or your family is adjusting to new circumstances, Parent Liaison Kim Pope is ready to offer support and practical help

The purpose of this free, confidential program is to support a child’s academic and social success through partnership between home and school.
Kim Pope, brings her experience from many years working at Compass 4 Families, and as a parent and grandparent herself.  

Friendly and approachable, access and connection to many resources, the Parent Liaison Program is a free and confidential resource for all parents.     

For more information:
Call, text or email Kim Pope
tel: 307 620 5877

Dimitra Dugal
Parent Liaison Program Mgr
tel: 307 675 2267

For more information about the program:

Fire Recovery Community Meeting
August 28th, 2024

Last week, with astonishing speed, the House Draw Fire ravaged over 174,000 acres of Johnson County. To put this into perspective, the entire City and County of Denver, according to 2020 Census data, spanned around 100,000 acres. The House Draw Fire is around 75% larger. 

The areas consumed by the House Draw Fire were prairies of sagebrush and grass that provided essential resources to our ranchers. Though these ranchers may not always be highly visible in our community, they are a vital cornerstone of our county and state economy. The challenges they now face will inevitably have ripple effects throughout our region, impacting everyone in one way or another.

The road to recovery will be complex and long-term, demanding a coordinated and collaborative response from a diverse array of agencies and organizations.

The immediate threat of fire damage has receded for now, and efforts are turning to recovery and restoration initiatives. 

On Thursday 28 August, representatives and individuals gathered to discuss the first steps toward rebuilding and restoring our community. 



Fire Recovery Volunteer Sheet

Fire Recovery Loss Assessment Questionnaire

Wy Livestock Board Emergency Declaration

Harvest Hoe Down '24
August 2024

The annual Harvest Hoe Down Fundraiser has become a much-anticipated staple on Johnson County’s calendar, and for good reason. Hosted by St. Luke’s Episcopal Church, this event is all about having a good time while giving back to our community. The funds raised directly support important services: The Bread of Life Food Pantry, Suicide Prevention programs, and Seeds of Hope, a jail-based support initiative benefiting our community.

Marie Miller gives the lowdown on this year’s event, from the fantastic live entertainment lineup, BBQ dinner,and the array of premium exclusive auction items you won’t want to miss.

Harvest Hoedown Fundraiser Sun 8th Sept
Bomber Mountain Civic Center 

Events & Raffle Tickets are available at: 
St Luke's Episcopal Church, 
178 S Main St, Buffalo 
8:30 Mon- Fri
307 684 7529   

or at the door


JC County Commission
Special Meeting
House Draw Fire
August 23rd, 2024

Pledge 0:10

Emergency Meeting to ratify Disaster Resolution # 735 House Draw Fire, dated 22 Aug 2024
Retroactive approval for State and Federal resources.

Chairman Novotny Comments & Thanks  2:40
Public Information Officer, Marilyn Connolly 5:30
Sheriff Odenbach 14:00
Undersheriff Pat Monroe  20:05
Police Chief Bissett 21:1
Sheriff Odenbach 24:40
Chairman Novotny 26:00
Commissioner Perry 27:55
PIO Marilyn Connolly 29:25
Sheriff Odenbach 31:45
Emergency Management Coordinator, Jimmy Cataline 33:25 

Adjourn 38:40


Buffalo City Council Meeting
August 20th, 2024

Call to Order
Pledge of Allegiance 0:10
Approval of Agenda
Approval of Minutes 
Aig 6, 2024 – Regular Meeting Minutes

Unfinished Business (none) 1:25

New Business
Councilman Madsen Absence 6 Aug 2024 Meeting
Mayor’s Appointment, Mountain Plains Heritage Park JPB 1:55
Buffalo Trails Road, Tim Cahal. Request to apply for grant funding 2:35

City Attorney, Dennis Kirven 4:25
Building Inspector, Terry Asay 4:35
Police Chief, Sean Bissett 4:40
Public Works Director, Kevin Silbernagel 7:40

Oral/Written Comments (none) 9:10

Announcements 9:25
Dept Head Mtg - Sept 3 @ 7:00 am
City/County Mtg - Sept 17 @ 7:00 am
City Council Mtgs - Sept 3 & 17 @ 5:00 pm

Approval of Bills 9:55

Adjourn 10:25

JC County Commissioner Meeting
August 20th 2024

Call to Order 0:10
Pledge of Allegiance
Approval of Aug 8 Minutes

Budget Amendment Resolution #734 1:10
JC Public Heath Closure Request 5:30
JC and Veteran’s Home MOU 12:20 
Radio Antenna Updates 16:10
Camporee Review 22:20
County Planning & Zoning Steering Committee 23:40
County Planning Enforcement Issue 41:00

Vouchers 44:40

Public Comment (none) 45:35

Adjourn - Executive Session

City County Meeting
August 20th 2024

Open 0:10
Reach Out 2 Me Awareness Campaign, Bill Hawley 0:15
Richardson Park 13:30
Joint Agriculture Meeting in Buffalo 10 & 11 Sept 44:30
Public Comment (none) 46:15
Mayor Schrader, Mental Health Services 46:30  
Chairman Novotny, VOA Services 47:15 
WYDOT Main St Improvement Project update 49:00


Cemetery District Board Meeting
August 13th 2024

Open 0:10
Public Comment (none) 0:15

Approve Agenda 0:25
Approve Vouchers 0:50
Approve Previous Meeting Minutes 1:35

Finance Report 2:10

Sexton's Report 19:40
- Kaycee Cemetery Update 19:45
- Willow Grove Cemetery Update 26:55

New Business  41:30
- Election Filing Deadline 8/26

Rolling Agenda Items 42:15
- Review Bylaws, Fee Schedules, and Operations manual - Propose delay until winter to allow for updates.

Executive Session (none)

Adjourn 45:10


Rural Healthcare District Board Meeting
August 12th 2024

Call to Order  0:10
Approve Agenda 0:35

Zayne Hengle - Crago Law (guest)

Approve Minutes General Hearing 5:50
Approve Minutes Budget Hearing 6:35

Treasurer’s Report 6:55
Buffalo Director’s Report 9:35
Kaycee Director’s Report 20:25

Old Business 22:30
- New Building 
- Audit Fiscal Year 23-24 31:35
- New ambulance updates 37:05

New Business
- Patient Balances 45:40

Public Comment(none)  50:25

Vouchers 50:35



Buffalo City Council Meeting
August 6th 2024

Call to Order. 0:10
Pledge of Allegiance
Approval of Agenda
Approval of Minutes July 16, 2024

Resolution #1482 – A resolution by the Town of the City of Buffalo, Wyoming, establishing an opt-out provision allowing city water users to decline having a smart meter installed and establishing fees for manually reading, recording and billing non-standard water meters.

- Councilman Madden July 16 meeting absence 1:50
- Mayor’s Appointment  Mike Callen, Lodging Tax Board (unexpired term)  2:15


- City Attorney, Dennis Kirven 2:35
- Building Inspector, Terry Asay 3:00 (absent)
- Deputy Police Chief, Garth Nicholas 3:10
- Public Works Director, Kevin Silbernagel 3:40
  (Water back in compliance with EPA standards)
- Brent Bennett Sunset St update


City/County mtg –Aug 20 @ 7 a.m.
City Council mtg – Aug 20 @ 5 p.m.
Outdoor Pool closes Aug 18th



County Commissioner Meeting
August 6th 2024

Open 0:00
Pledge of Allegiance
Approval of Minutes 23 July, 2024

CMAQ Resolution #733 0:50
2025 Dust Suppression Project, Scott Pehringer
Land Use Plan Steering Cttee appointments, Jim Waller 9:55 (tabled)
Election Day limited service in Clerk’s Office 24:15
Catering Permit 25:25

Vouchers  27:45

Public Comment 28:40
- Mark Paolino

Adjourn - Executive Session 32:30

City of Buffalo
Dept Head Meeting
August 6th 2024

Open 0:10
Smart Meter Opt-Out Provision 0:20
Golf Course Reimbursement Request   13:35
Unobligated ARPA funding letters 20:35

Major Capital Construction Projects - Updates 22:55
- Sunset St
- Main St
- Wells Project
- Water Treatment Plant  EPA Compliance restored
   & tank repair
- Crosswalk & Curb painting
- Pool closes Aug 18

Dept Head Items
- City Attorney 29:50
- City Clerk 32:15
- Police Dept 35:55
- Building Inspector 37:20

Board Liaison & Council updates
- Mayor Schrader - Jo Co 1st options for future 40: 00

- Next Dept Head Meeting Tues Sept 3 @ 7:00 am

JoCo First Board
Special Business Meeting
August 5th 2024

A special meeting of the JoCo First Board to discuss options for the purpose and configuration of JoCo First Board. 

Following discussion, it was agreed to present three options to the City of Buffalo and Johnson County Commission and respective attorneys as follows:

A) Reduce the number of Joint Powers Board (JPB) members and reduce the scope of the JPB’s responsibilities to building management, only (essentially removing the economic development aspect); or

B) Reduce the number of JPB members and remove building management from the JPB’s scope of responsibilities; or

C) Dissolve the JPB in its entirety.

- Next regular meeting  26 August @ 5:30 pm

Primary Election 2024
July 23rd 2024


Candidates Steve Kozisek and Jerry “Ozzie’ Osborn are running for one seat following Commissioner Bob Perry’s resignation. 


Q: Please introduce yourself and explain why you are running, and what qualifications or experience you have that would be relevant.  5:40
A: Kozisek, Osborn

Q: What are the most significant issues facing local government in Johnson County?  What would be your approach to addressing them? 11:00
A: Osborn, Kozisek 

Q: What would be your approach to addressing our county’s infrastructure and service needs, such as road maintenance, public safety, and healthcare, while also balancing the county’s budget?
Would you do anything differently than is being done now? 14:50
A: Kozisek, Osborn

Q: What would you like to accomplish during your term? 19:45
A: Osborn, Kozisek

Q: Rebuttals or Specific Additional Comment  23:30
You have heard your opponent speak.  If there are any specific points you would like to address or remark upon this is your opportunity to do so.  Please be specific and then we will move on to your closing statement.  
A: Kozisek, Osborn

Q:  Closing Statements 27:40
We invite each of you to make a closing statement to appeal to the voters.
This is your opportunity to highlight your vision, key priorities, and the unique qualities that make you the best choice for County Commissioner.
A: Osborn, Kozisek


House District 40 Candidates: Marilyn Connolly, Mark Jones, Liberty Poley
Senate 22 Candidates: Barry Crago, Mark Jennings

Candidates for both House and Senate seats answered questions. They were combined because Senators and House Representatives will face the same issues as legislators, albeit in separate chambers.  
(Candidates were seated alphabetically:  Marilyn Connolly, Barry Crago, Mark Jennings, Mark Jones, Liberty Poley)

We sincerely apologize to our listeners, and especially to Mr. Mark Jones, for the poor audio quality in some sections of this recording due to a technical problem with some microphone cables that was not evident during the recording. We have taken every step possible to minimize any discomfort.


1. What prompted you to run for this position now? 1:20
What previous experience or qualification do you have that would be of benefit?
– Connolly 1:50 Crago 4:15 Jennings 5:40 Jones 6:40 
Poley 9:00

1.2 Follow-up question to each candidate: 
– Mark Jennings: You also are currently serving out the end of your fifth term as Wyoming House District 30 Representative.   Why did you choose to stand for the Senate instead?  11:15

– Barry Crago: You are also currently a House District Representative, coming to the end of your second term representing House District 40.  Why did you also choose to stand for the Senate instead?   12:10

1.3 Question to current House District Representatives:
What is the difference between the House and the Senate?
– Crago 14:25  Jennings 15:10

1.2 – Liberty Poley: You have just graduated from college and you are only 23 years old. You have gained an academic understanding of politics through your college education but you have very little ‘real world’ experience.  What do you say to people who are concerned about your age, your lack of experience or maturity? 16:10

– Marilyn Connolly: Many people know your name from your time as Emergency Management Coordinator, and board positions, notably Rural Healthcare District Board.  What do you offer that should convince voters to support you?  What would you say to those who may be hesitant to vote for you? 18:10

– Mark Jones:   You moved to Wyoming just 3 years ago, what do you say to people who wonder if you understand Wyoming culture and can effectively represent them? 20:45

2. Voters know there is division and fracture within the Wyoming GOP, but they are unclear as to what the differences are.  Explain your views on the division within the Wyoming GOP and where you agree or disagree with your opponent(s). 
– Poley 23:10  Connolly 2:20  Jones 26:10  Crago 28:30  Jennings 30:45

3.1 Wyoming’s economy and funding model heavily relies on energy and mineral extraction, remaining dependent on fossil fuels and other natural resources. 
What specific policies or strategies do you support or propose to ensure responsible state spending and saving to enhance Wyoming’s financial stability and long-term prosperity?  
– Crago 34:45  Jennings 36:15 Connolly 37:40  Jones 39:50  Poley 41:55

Follow-Up Question:
What can be done at the Wyoming state level to counter federal overreach?
– Connolly 43:40  Crago 45:25  Jennings 47:25   Jones 45:45  Poley 50:35

4. Wyoming has been described as “a small town with long streets”. This district (HD40 or Senate 22) is characterized by small towns rather than one of Wyoming’s larger cities.  Over the next two years,  the state will distribute $165m to small towns and cities across the state to support local services and infrastructure.
What is your opinion on the appropriate level of funding from the State to support small-town services and infrastructure?
– Jennings 52:05  Poley 54:10   Crago 54:55  Connolly 56:30  Jones 57:45 

5. The Republican Party often emphasizes its commitment to ‘law and order.’ As a candidate for the legislature, what are your views on how law enforcement agencies, such as Sheriff and Police Departments, can effectively protect the public while safeguarding individual citizens’ 2nd Amendment rights?
– Jones 59:20  Crago 1:01:10  Jennings 1:03:00  Poley 1:04:05   Connolly 1:04:50

6. What policies would you support to reduce high property taxes? 
How would you ensure services that are funded by property taxes are maintained despite a reduction in tax revenue?  
– Connolly 1:06:40  Jones 1:09:00  Poley 1:10:50 
Crago 1:13:00  Jennings 1:15:15

7. Rebuttals or Specific Additional Comment
You have heard your opponents speak. If there are any specific points you would like to address or remark upon, this is your opportunity to do so. After that, we will move on to your closing statement. 
– Connolly 1:17:30  Crago 1:19:15  Jennings 1:20:50 
Jones 1:21:25  Poley 1:23:35

8. Closing Statements
We invite each of you to make a closing statement to appeal to the voters.
– Poley 1:24:40  Jones 1:25:40 Jennings 1:27:50 
Crago 1:29:20   Connolly 1:31:25

Rod Odenbach 1:34:45
Responses from (in order):
Mark Jones, Mark Jennings, Marilyn Connolly, Barry Crago, Mark Jennings, Mark Jones, Liberty Poley


JC County Commissioner
Candidate Interview
Jerry 'Ozzie' Osborn
July 2024

Learn more about  Jerry 'Ozzie' Osborn, one of two candidates running for Johnson County Commissioner. How does he measure up against his opponent Steve Kozisek?   The winner will join Chairman Bill Novotny and Jeff Shelley on the Commission.  

307NetInfo is here to provide you with impartial, information-driven coverage of candidates in contested races in 2024 Primary Election.   Check out our dedicated page here 

Each candidate is asked the same questions so you can ‘compare and contrast’ answers.

Candidates do not know how their opponents have presented their views and opinions because all the interviews are published simultaneously.

Listen to what each candidate had to say and make your mind up about who deserves your vote. 

  • What is their experience for the position?
  • What would be their priorities for Johnson County?
  • What is their approach to spending?  

JC County Commissioner Candidate Interview
Steve Kozisek
July 2024

Learn more about Steve Kozisek, one of two candidates running for Johnson County Commissioner. How does he measure up against his opponent Jerry 'Ozzie' Osborn?   The winner will join Chairman Bill Novotny and Jeff Shelley on the Commission.  

307NetInfo is here to provide you with impartial, information-driven coverage of candidates in contested races in 2024 Primary Election.   Check out our dedicated page here 

Each candidate is asked the same questions so you can ‘compare and contrast’ answers.

Candidates do not know how their opponents have presented their views and opinions because all the interviews are published simultaneously.

Listen to what each candidate had to say and make your mind up about who deserves your vote. 

  • What is their experience for the position?
  • What would be their priorities for Johnson County?
  • What is their approach to spending?  

Senate 22 Candidate Interview
Mark Jennings
July 2024

Learn more about Mark Jennings, currently the House District 30 Representative. Mark Jennings is one of two candidates running for Senate Seat 22. 

How does he measure up against his opponent Barry Crago, who is also currently a House District Representative, for House District 40.
They are both 'Conservative Candidates' - so what's the difference?  

307NetInfo is here to provide you with impartial, information-driven coverage of candidates in contested races in 2024 Primary Election.   Check out our dedicated page here 

Each candidate is asked the same questions so you can ‘compare and contrast’ answers.

Candidates do not know how their opponents have presented their views and opinions because all the interviews are published simultaneously.

Listen to what each candidate had to say and make your mind up about who deserves your vote. 

  • How do they describe their brand of Conservatism?
  • What would be their approach in a divided Republican Party?
  • What would they do about high property taxes, the housing crisis, and mental health needs?

Senate 22 Candidate Interview
Barry Crago
July 2024

Learn more about Barry Crago, currently the House District 40 Representative. Barry Crago is one of two candidates running for Senate Seat 22. 

How does he measure up against his opponent Mark Jennings, who is also currently a House District Representative, for House District 30.
They are both 'Conservative Candidates' - so what's the difference?  

307NetInfo is here to provide you with impartial, information-driven coverage of candidates in contested races in 2024 Primary Election.   Check out our dedicated page here 

Each candidate is asked the same questions so you can ‘compare and contrast’ answers.

Candidates do not know how their opponents have presented their views and opinions because all the interviews are published simultaneously.

Listen to what each candidate had to say and make your mind up about who deserves your vote. 

  • How do they describe their brand of Conservatism?
  • What would be their approach in a divided Republican Party?
  • What would they do about high property taxes, the housing crisis, and mental health needs?

Get Your Glow On!
July 2024

By day Christina Perry is a leadership and professional development trainer.  From September through November,  she dedicates Tuesday evenings to high school-age girls in our community so that they can learn more about themselves, and develop leadership, a network and a community, and other professional skills.  The purpose is to develop skills, confidence, and self-awareness.  Each week the program features a speaker from an impressive list of women leaders in Wyoming sharing their experiences and knowledge on a wide range of topics and issues relevant to young women of today. 

The program, named GLOW, which stands for Girls Leadership of Wyoming, will begin again this September and Christina is looking for interested girls to join.   307NetInfo caught up with Christina and three alumni of the first class which took place last year.   Listen to them recount how after their initial apprehension, they 

Find out more about this exciting opportunity, what it entails, and how to sign up.  It's natural to feel a little apprehensive about joining something new and challenging, so find out more from girls who have already graduated from the class and what they have to say about it. gained in skills, confidence, and self-awareness. 

For more information contact
Girls Leadership of Wyoming  GLOW

Buffalo City Council Meeting
July 16th, 2024

Call to Order 0:10
Pledge of Allegiance
Approval of Agenda
Approval of Minutes - Jul 2, 2024

Restaurant Liquor License Application -Rosie's Americana Café
Housing Solutions - Request for long-term lease of city property 2:10

- Restaurant Liquor License Application - Rosie's Americana Café 21:50
- 4-H Shooting Sports - Request for Building Permit fee waiver 22:20
- Buffalo Wyoming Community Rink - Noise Variance Request  Aug 34:45
- University of Wyoming Research Agreement 
- Wyoming Conservation Corps Project 37:00
- Chamber of Commerce Fair & Rodeo Parade Requests
- Resolution #1482 - A resolution by the Town of the City of Buffalo, Wyoming. establishing an opt-out provision allowing city water users to decline having a smart meter installed and establishing fees for manually reading, recording and billing non-standard water meters 39:00
- Fuel Dispensing Facility - Operating Agreement Addendum 49:50

City Attorney, Dennis Kirven  53:00
Building Inspector, Terry Asay 53:05
Police Chief, Sean Bissett 53:25
Public Works Director, Kevin Silbernagel 54:45


Dept Head mtg Aug 6 @7:00 am


ADJOURN 1:00:25

City County Meeting
July 16th, 2024

Open 0:10
JC Far & Rodeo Parade Float :0:10
Richardson Park 3:10
Joint Appropriations 4:45
WYDOT, Sunset St  Updates 10:55
Newy Meeting Sheridan City Hall Sat 27th July 12:15
Liquors license - Rosie’s Americana Cafe
Affordable Housing 16:30
Haloecetic Acid Test 12:15

Close 22:10 

Making The Money-Go-Round
July 2024

As COVID-19 relief funds expire and a new financial software system is introduced, 307NetInfo caught up with Superintendent Auzqui to discuss the financial status of Johnson County School District #1, and its new designation as a ‘Recapture District’.

Educating the students of Johnson County costs approximately $19 million annually. Amid some criticisms that education is overfunded, Superintendent Auzqui explains the complexities and challenges involved in managing the district's finances and addresses whether the available funds are sufficient to meet the district's needs.


House District 40 Candidate Interview
Liberty Poley
July 2024

Learn more about Liberty Poley, one of three candidates for House District 40.  How does she measure up against her opponents Marilyn Connolly and Mark Jones?   They are all 'Conservative Candidates' - so what's the difference?  

307NetInfo is here to provide you with impartial, information-driven coverage of candidates in contested races in 2024 Primary Election.   Check out our dedicated page here 

Each candidate is asked the same questions so you can ‘compare and contrast’ answers.

Candidates do not know how their opponents have presented their views and opinions because all the interviews are published simultaneously.

Listen to what each candidate had to say and make your mind up about who deserves your vote. 

  • How do they describe their brand of Conservatism?
  • What would be their approach in a divided Republican Party?
  • What would they do about high property taxes, the housing crisis, and mental health needs?

House District 40 Candidate Interview
Mark Jones
July 2024

Learn more about Mark Jones, one of three candidates for House District 40.  How does he measure up against his opponents Marilyn Connolly and Liberty Poley?   They are all 'Conservative Candidates' - so what's the difference?  

307NetInfo is here to provide you with impartial, information-driven coverage of candidates in contested races in 2024 Primary Election.   Check out our dedicated page here 

Each candidate is asked the same questions so you can ‘compare and contrast’ answers.

Candidates do not know how their opponents have presented their views and opinions because all the interviews are published simultaneously.

Listen to what each candidate had to say and make your mind up about who deserves your vote. 

  • How do they describe their brand of Conservatism?
  • What would be their approach in a divided Republican Party?
  • What would they do about high property taxes, the housing crisis, and mental health needs?

House District 40 Candidate Interview
Marilyn Connolly
July 2024

Learn more about Marilyn Connolly, one of three candidates for House District 40.  How does she measure up against her opponents Mark Jones and Liberty Poley?   They are all 'Conservative Candidates' - so what's the difference?  

307NetInfo is here to provide you with impartial, information-driven coverage of candidates in contested races in 2024 Primary Election.   Check out our dedicated page here 

Each candidate is asked the same questions so you can ‘compare and contrast’ answers.

Candidates do not know how their opponents have presented their views and opinions because all the interviews are published simultaneously.

Listen to what each candidate had to say and make your mind up about who deserves your vote. 

  • How do they describe their brand of Conservatism?
  • What would be their approach in a divided Republican Party?
  • What would they do about high property taxes, the housing crisis, and mental health needs?

Spotlight On
Bomber Mountain Civic Center
July 2024

You won’t drive around Buffalo for long without passing by Bomber Mountain Civic Center.  Originally built as a school in 1949, it is a sprawling labyrinth of additions, bolted on over the decades, to create more space as needs arose.   

For the past 8 years, Claudia Todd has served as the Facility Coordinator for Bomber Mountain Civic Center (BMCC). She is intimately familiar with the building and is responsible for its maintenance.

307NetInfo was curious after hearing some community members commenting on the facility and its future. So we stopped by to ask Claudia to provide an update on the current condition of the building and what benefit it is to the community.   Is it safe and in good condition or does it require costly, extensive repairs?  What are the operating costs? Who foots the bill? and what happens there?   

Listen in and find out some things that may surprise you!

Note:  Claudia Todd reports to JoCo First, the Joint Powers Economic Development Board responsible for BMCC. 

For more information contact:
Claudia Todd
Bomber Mountain Civic Center
63 n Burritt Ave
Buffalo WY 82834

t:   307 620 2458

Bomber Mountain Civic Center 


County Commissioner Meeting
July 9th, 2024

Call to order 0:10
Pledge of Allegiance
Approval Minutes July 2, 2024

Final Budget Passage 1:45
Motion for FY24/25 Budget Hearing 2:30
Budget Approval; Fair, Museum, Library 4:55

Resolution to Transfer of Funds for 24/25 Budget 6:50
Resolution to Provide Income to Finalize Budget 9:45
Resolution for Appropriations 12:05
Resolution for Special District Mill Levies 20:55
Resolution to Amend 23/24 Budget 22:20

Catering Permit 23:55
UW Cooperation Extension Agreement 25:15
Juvenile Service Contract, County Attorney 27:10

Public Comment 30:10


JCSD#1 Board Meeting
July 8th, 2024

Pledge of Allegiance 0:10
Roll Call
Public Comment
Additions/Accept Agenda

General Reports
District Level Reports 2:25
Rec Board Report 14:00
BOCES Report 14:35
BOCHES Report 14:55

Consent Agenda 15:25

Public Budget Hearing 21:00
Proposed FY25 Budget

Action Items 47:35
FY Budget Adoption
Policy Revision - First reading

Other Business 1:09:00F
From the Board
Proposed Affordable Housing
July 25 Training/BBQ
Job Descriptions - new rollout
August Work Session
August Board Meeting

Executive Session 1:47:25
W.S. 16-4-4-5 (a)(ii)(iii) personnel and legal matter.


Rural Healthcare District Board Meeting
July 8th, 2024

Budget Hearing 0:10
Approval of Minutes  7:40
Treasurer’s Report  9:10

Buffalo Director’s Report 15:40
Kaycee Director’s Report 25:40

Old Business 27:40
- New Building
- Budget Fiscal Year 24/25

New Business 42:50
- Engagement Letter for Audit 2023-2024 Fiscal Year, Porter Muirhead
- Letter from Patient

Public Comment 55:40

Review Vouchers 55:55


Next Regular Board Meeting Augt 12th, 2024, 4:00 p.m. JC Planning Office, Buffalo, WY

City of Buffalo
Dept Head Meeting
July 2nd,2024

Open 0:00
- Specific Purpose Tax Resolution 0:20
- Trails Board Updates - Wetland Project 10:25
- Request for an option for long-term lease city property - Housing Solutions 25:20

Major Capital Construction Projects - Updates 60:00
- Buffalo Wells Project (progress to bid)
- Sunset St (water & sewer lines replacement)
- Main St (completed tree removal)
- WYDOT Improvement Project
- Street Lighting

Dept Head Items
Police Chief  56:15
City Attorney 56:20
- Community Rink Lease
- Water Smart Meters 58:10
- City Planner 1:04:00

Board Liaison & Council Updates
Scott Madsen - YMCA 1:11:00

Thursday's (7/4) trash route will be collected Fri (7/5)
Next City Dept Head Mtg - Aug 6 @ 7 am 

Tensions with the WY GOP
Does it Matter?
July 2024

The Wyoming Republican Party is increasingly divided, marked by deepening discord and rancor. The rift is primarily between the Wyoming Freedom Caucus, self-described “true Conservatives” focused on family values, freedoms, and smaller government, and the “Wyoming Caucus,” a more traditional group reminiscent of Reagan-era conservatism. The latter criticizes the Freedom Caucus for its block-voting tactics, which they argue hinder debate and collaboration, ultimately undermining Wyoming’s best interests.

During the short 2024 Budget Session, legislators in both chambers struggled to reach a consensus and debate became increasingly terse and fractious. This division raises significant questions for voters in the 2024 elections regarding the future of Wyoming and the Republican Party’s legislative effectiveness.

Barry Crago, House District 40 Representative, aligns with the Wyoming Caucus way of thinking. He joined 307NetInfo and reflected on his two terms in office and the changing tenor of legislating, and shared his opinions on what voters should consider when choosing their candidates this year.

NOTE: This interview was recorded on May 15th, 2024, prior to the candidate filing period for Senate and House District seats. Barry Crago has since filed to run for Senate Seat 22 which represents Johnson County and an area of south-east Sheridan County.  

307NetInfo also invited Freedom Caucus members for interviews to present both perspectives together but has not yet received a response.


Securing the Vote
Ballot Counting with JC Clerk
June 2024

Johnson County Clerk Jackie Camino oversees the election process in Johnson County.  Clerk Camino provides an insider's perspective on whether voting in our county is truly fair and honest.  Find out more about the mechanisms and safeguards in place to ensure that voting in Johnson County can be trusted.

We delve into the intricacies of the election process, how votes are registered and counted, and address common concerns.  What are the measures taken to prevent fraud and ensure transparency?  What steps are being taken to maintain trust in our democratic process?

Note:  Mistrust in electronic tabulation of votes has circulated for the past two election cycles, despite the lack of hard evidence of material fraud in Wyoming or elsewhere across the USA.  Various entities and individuals in Wyoming are calling for a return to hand-counted ballots.  Critics and analysts argue that there is persuasive evidence that hand counts are more expensive, laboriously slow, and contain more errors. 

Buffalo City Council Meeting
July 2nd, 2024

Pledge of Allegiance 0:10
Approval of Agenda
Approval of Minutes - June 18, 2024

- Councilman Camino - 6/18 meeting absence 1:35
- Resolution #1480 - A resolution to adopt the 2024
Wyoming Region 1Hazard Mitigation Plan 1:55
- Jackie Masterson - VOA Sevice 7:05
- Main Street Lighting Contract - Wescom Inc 18:35
- Resolution #1481 - A resolution approving a proposition to impose the one percent (1%)  Specific Purpose Sales and Use Tax in Johnson County. State of Wyoming, for the exclusive purpose of funding specific purposes for specific amounts; the propositions to be voted on at the general election to be held on Tuesday, November 5, 2024 20:35

City Attorney Dennis Kirven 23:40
Building Inspector Terry Asay 22:55
Police Chief Sean Bissett 24:10
Public Works Director Kevin Silbernagel 
Brent Bennett, Sunset St Projecct 27:10

- Mayor Schrader - VOA Services

City/County mtg -J ul 16 @ 7 am
City Council Meeting- Jul 16 @ 5 pm
City Offices Closed Jul 4
WYDOT STIP mtg - Jul 16 @ 1pm



County Commissioner Meeting
July 2nd, 2024

Call to Order 0:10
Pledge of Allegiance
Approval of June 18 & 25 Minutes

Jim Gatchell Museum Association Presentation  1:20
FEMA Mitigation Plan Adoption Resolution 723  2:35
Johnson County Sheriff
- Department of Corrections Contract 9:35
- Summit Psychological Services Contract 11:10
- SHSP Grant - ballistic window film 15:25
- and mobile & handheld radios
- Resident deputy Kaycee 21:40 

Special District Appointments 22:30
- Solid Waste District
- Library Board

Catering Permits Jackie Camino, County Clerk 23:45
- Cowboy Bar & Grill

Resolution 724 Special Purpose Tax Commissioners (1% Tax) 26:45

Public Health Contracts 37:00
- MOU Maternal Child Services
- Children’s Special Health

Guardian Ad Litem Contract County Attorney 41:45
Drug Court Contract 44:30

Jo Co Commissioner Action Items 53:55.
- Pole Creek Vegetative Plan
- Magistrate position

Public Comment 55:50
- Jackie Masterson, VOA Services 
- Robin King, mental health services  59:25
- Bill Hawley, mental health services  1:03:10
- Dr Aimee Foster VOA 1:10:10
- Carol Buckingham, mental health services 1:16:40

Executive Session 1:18:50


JC Hospital District Board Meeting
June 26th 2024

Approval of Consent Agenda 0:10
Review and approve the prior month's Board meeting minutes 0:55

Chief of Staff Report 1:40
Leadership Reports
CEO Reports  40:55
JCHC Financial Performance 52:55
Credentialing 1:03:10
Budget Approval 1:13:40
Equipment Lease Approval 1:51:10
Loan Approval 1:56:10
Executive Session 2:18:25


A Practical Guide to Voting in 2024
County Clerk Camino
June 2024

It's a bit different for voters this year.  Jackie Camino, the County Clerk, who oversees elections in Johnson County,  explains the details of these changes and how they might affect you.

Find out what you need to know about registering to vote, party affiliation, absentee and early voting, and ID requirements.

If you didn’t vote in the General Election 2022, you may have been removed from the voter list.
Check with the County Clerk’s Office! 

Johnson County Clerk
76 N Main Street
Buffalo, WY  82834
Mon-Fri 8:00 am - 5:00 pm

Click here for more local election information 

For more information:
Check out Let's Vote Wyo
or Wyoming Secretary of State   

Absentee & Early Voting Dates  
It's a shorter period than previously! 
- PRIMARY ELECTION Jul 23 - Aug 19

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Land Use Plan Open House
City of Buffalo
June 24th, 2024

City Of Buffalo held an Open House seeking public comment on future land use, zoning, and development.

It was emphasized that any Land Use Plan is advisory and for guidance only.  Wyoming statute prohibits land use plans from becoming mandatory regulation.   

Listen to the introduction that explains the purpose and context of the Land Use Plan, followed by a period of public questions.    

After this, attendees were invited to peruse the maps and presentation materials, ask questions, and provide comments individually.  This part of the meeting is not included in the audio.

You can find the maps and materials referred to here:
City of Buffalo Comprehensive Plan 2007.  See Chapter 11.

CIP GIS Application 

Urban Growth Boundary

Zoning Use Conflicts

For More Information Contact:
City Of Buffalo Planning Director, Terry Asay
City Hall, 45 N Main St, Buffalo ,WY 82834
T: 307 684 5566 Ext 6

Buffalo City Council Meeting
June 20th, 2024

Call to Order
Pledge of Allegiance 0:10
Approval of AgendaApproval of Minutes 
June 4, 2024 – Regular Meeting Minutes

Unfinished Business
Ordinance #1417 - 3rd and Final Rdg.  An ordinance providing an annual appropriation bill for fiscal year ending June 30, 2025 1:10

New Business
- Tim Cahal YMCA Klondike Rush St Closure Request 2:10
- Trap & Skeet Club Lease Agreement 3:30
- Resolution #1479 - A resolution adopting pay scales for the non-law enforcement departments of the Town of the City of Buffalo, Wyoming, and the efficient implementation of the scales. 12:35
- Resolution #1480 A resolution to place ban optional 2% lodging tax proposition on the general election ballot to be held in Johnson County WY on Nov 5, 2024 13:40
- Good Citizenship Award 17:55

City Attorney, Dennis Kirven 19:50
Building Inspector, Terry Asay 20:00
Police Chief, Sean Bissett 21:30
Public Works Director, Kevin Silbernagel 26:50
Brent Bennett, Sunset St Update 28:10

Oral/Written Comments (none) 29:25                               

Announcements 29:35
City/County mtg –Jun 18 @ 7 a.m.
City Council mtg – Jun 18 @ 5 p.m.
Planning & Zoning Board mtg Jun 25 @ 1 p.m.

Approval of Bills 29:55

Adjourn 30:10

Land Use Plan Open House
City of Buffalo
June 24th, 2024

City Of Buffalo held an Open House seeking public comment on future land use, zoning, and development.

It was emphasized that any Land Use Plan is advisory and for guidance only.  Wyoming statute prohibits land use plans from becoming mandatory regulation.   

Listen to the introduction that explains the purpose and context of the Land Use Plan, followed by a period of public questions.    

After this, attendees were invited to peruse the maps and presentation materials, ask questions, and provide comments individually.  This part of the meeting is not included in the audio.

You can find the maps and materials referred to here:
City of Buffalo Comprehensive Plan 2007.  See Chapter 11.

CIP GIS Application 

Urban Growth Boundary

Zoning Use Conflicts

For More Information Contact:
City Of Buffalo Planning Director, Terry Asay
City Hall, 45 N Main St, Buffalo ,WY 82834
T: 307 684 5566 Ext 6

Buffalo City Council Meeting
June 20th, 2024

Call to Order
Pledge of Allegiance 0:10
Approval of AgendaApproval of Minutes 
June 4, 2024 – Regular Meeting Minutes

Unfinished Business
Ordinance #1417 - 3rd and Final Rdg.  An ordinance providing an annual appropriation bill for fiscal year ending June 30, 2025 1:10

New Business
- Tim Cahal YMCA Klondike Rush St Closure Request 2:10
- Trap & Skeet Club Lease Agreement 3:30
- Resolution #1479 - A resolution adopting pay scales for the non-law enforcement departments of the Town of the City of Buffalo, Wyoming, and the efficient implementation of the scales. 12:35
- Resolution #1480 A resolution to place ban optional 2% lodging tax proposition on the general election ballot to be held in Johnson County WY on Nov 5, 2024 13:40
- Good Citizenship Award 17:55

City Attorney, Dennis Kirven 19:50
Building Inspector, Terry Asay 20:00
Police Chief, Sean Bissett 21:30
Public Works Director, Kevin Silbernagel 26:50
Brent Bennett, Sunset St Update 28:10

Oral/Written Comments (none) 29:25                               

Announcements 29:35
City/County mtg –Jun 18 @ 7 a.m.
City Council mtg – Jun 18 @ 5 p.m.
Planning & Zoning Board mtg Jun 25 @ 1 p.m.

Approval of Bills 29:55

Adjourn 30:10

County Commissioner Meeting
June 20th, 2024

Call to Order 0:10
Pledge of Allegiance
Approval of Minutes May 21, June 4

Jim Gatchell Museum Association Presentation 1:20 (none)
Camporee Update 1:55
Additional comments: Fire Preparation 8:30
Resolution #722 Lodging Tax 11:10 
Catering Permits (Retroactive) 20:50
- Southfork - Pig Wrestling 6/14/24
- Frontier Ironworks Cowboy Bar & Grill 6/8/24
Coal Screening 22:55

Vouchers 26:10

County Attorney Amendment to agreement for boat ramp on Lake De Smet 27:50

Public Comment
Jody Sauers, Kristen De Galard JCTA Camporee concerns 31:00

Announcements 37:45

Adjourn 38:00

City County Meeting
June 20th, 2024

JoCo First 0:10
Criminal Justice Center MOU 24:20
Bomber Mountain 34:10
Special Purpose Tax 34:30
Public Comment (none) 42:50
Jeff Shelley - City Pool  42:55

Joint Appropriations Cttee Meeting July 19th, 2024 @ 6:00 pm 

Next meeting July 16th 2024 @ 7:00 am 

Putting Johnson County On The Map
Johnson County Tourism Association
June 2024

As Memorial Day rolls around, tourists and visitors begin to flood our beautiful community. But how do they discover this hidden gem, and what convinces them to make Johnson County a key part of their vacation plans?

The Johnson County Tourist Association (JCTA) is dedicated to promoting our county to tourists and visitors. It’s been a big year for the Association, having taken on two full-time employees and a range of different projects. It’s unlikely that people here will see much of their efforts, as they are intended to reach an entirely different audience. However, their role is crucial, as tourism is a significant contributor to our local economy.

JCTA Board Member Brian Whitlock and Marketing Director Toby Carrig take us on a journey through the JCTA's vital work, exploring what makes Johnson County so enticing to visitors. What kind of tourists are we attracting, and what activities do they seek? How can we develop and grow this important cornerstone of our local economy, especially during the so-called “off-season?”

Who is footing the bill for the JCTA activities?  Their budget is around $250,000 annually.  Where does that money come from? 

You may have heard about a proposed increase in lodging tax from 5% to 7%. JCTA is leading this raise. What is it, why is it being proposed, and who will pay it?   
Remember to check out JCTA’s new website,, a comprehensive guide to attractions and events in Johnson County.

If you're involved in serving tourists, JCTA might be able to support you with promotion or employee training.  
Contact Toby Carrig
t  307-689-7068

To find out more about Camporee mentioned in the conversation click here


Cemetery District Board Meeting
June 11th, 2024

Open 0:10
Public Comment (None)
Approve Agenda 40:10
Approve Vouchers 55:10
Approve Previous Meeting Minutes 1:25

Finance Report 4:20

Sexton Report 14:45
- Kaycee Update
- Willow Grove Update
- Memorial Day
- Irrigation System Update 
- Summer Staffing 
- Cremation Garden Update (paused and resumed 44:25

New Business
Bookkeeping Contract Update 33:15
Cemetery Hay Contractor 34:45

Rolling Agenda Items (None)
Executive Session (None)

Adjourn 49:20

Next Meeting 
Tuesday July 9th, 2024 @ 2:00 pm
Willow Grove Cemetery Office 

WYDOT Public Update Meeting
Buffalo Main St Improvement Project
June 11th, 2024

WYDOT's Public Update Meetings

For the next two construction seasons (2024 and 2025), Buffalo will experience high-impact road improvement from the north to the south ends of town. 

WYDOT will hold public updates during the construction seasons, highlighting project areas, details of the construction work, and advisories. 307NetInfo will publish audio recordings of all these meetings to keep you updated.   

Check out our dedicated page, the most comprehensive spot for all aspects of the project, including the very latest updates & advisories.
click here Buffalo Main St Project 
Stay informed!  Bookmark the page and sign up for email notifications!

During this short meeting, WYDOT provided updates for construction at
- south end of Buffalo
- Intersection of Hart St and Main St 
- South Bypass near Buckingham Lumber

Are You Looking for Work?

If you are over 18 and hold a Wyoming Driver's License, apply by calling 307 272 2387
Flaggers make $22 per hour.  

JCSD#1 Board Meeting
June 10th, 2024

Not Recorded
Regular Session
Pledge of Allegiance
New Agenda Item
Roll Call

Public Comment 2:40
Zach Davis
Kim Davis
Bill Joy

Additions/Accept Agenda 15:40

General Reports 17:10
District Level Reports
Principal Reports 19:10
Superintendent Reports 30:10
Director Reports 30:40
Rec Board Report 40:30
BOCES Report 44:30
BOCHES Report 44:50

Consent Agenda 45:10
Coaching/Activity Sponsor Renewal
Procurement Acknowledgement 55:00

Action Items
Policy Revision - second reading 1:24:10
Transportation Mechanic's Truck 1:31:40
ESSER III 1:33:40
Updated Superintendent Contract 1:37:10
Kaycee High School - exchange students 1:39:40
New 24-29 JCSD#1 Strategic Plan 1:41:55
24-25 JCSD#1 Initiative 1:43:10

Other Business
From the Board 1:45:00
Summer Retreat/BBQ w/ Sheridan 1,2,3 1:45:55
District Policies Summer Approval 1:51:20
July Work Session 1:54:40
July Board Meeting

Executive Session 1:56:40
Personnel & Legal W.S. 16-4-405-(a)(ii)(iii)

Next Board Meeting
Mon July 8th, 2024 @ 6:00 pm
JCSD#1 Admin Building, Buffalo

Rural Healthcare District Board Meeting
June 10th, 2024

Open 0:00
Approve Agenda 0:15
Approve Minutes
Approve Treasurer’s Report 1:50

Buffalo Director’s Report 8:00
Kaycee Director’s Report 16:25

Old Business
New Building 21:45
Budget Fiscal Year 24-25- Approve Final Budget 26:20

Call for Old Business
QuickMed Invoice Question 31:25

New Business
Audit Fiscal Year 2023-2024 35:00

Call for New Business (none) 

Public Comment (none) 38:20

Review Vouchers 38:45

Executive Session - Personnel  39:10
(No action taken)


Next Regular Board Meeting
July 8, 2024 @ 4:00 pm
JC Planning Office, Buffalo

Buffalo City Council Meeting
June 4th, 2024

Call to Order 0:10
Pledge of Allegiance
Approval of Agenda
Approval of Minutes - May 21, 2024 Reg. Meeting Minutes

Ordinance #1417, 2nd Rdg -An ordinance providing an annual appropriation bill for fiscal year ending June 2025

- 5/21 Council absence – Councilman Madsen 1:45
Trap & Skeet Club/4-H Shooting Sports, Jim Dawson
request to place building on city property 2:10
- Pool Concessionaire Agreement 26:10
- Regina Kottke, Ceci Lane  repair/drainage issues 26:40
- Resolution #1478 – A resolution to amend the personnel     policy of the City of Buffalo 26:55
- Mayor’s Appointment 27:55
   Robert Fox, Buffalo-Johnson Recycling Center JPB 

City Attorney, Dennis Kirven 28:25
Building Inspector/Planning Director, Terry Asay 28:55
Police Chief, Sean Bissett 29:30
Public Works Director, Kevin Silbernagel 32:25
Brent Bennett 34:10

Chamber of Commerce Update, Amber Eggers 35:20
City/County mtg –Jun 18 @ 7 a.m.
City Council mtg – Jun 18 @ 5 p.m.
Planning & Zoning Board mtg Jun 25 @ 1 p.m.
WAM Convention Jun 5 – 7 – Pinedale
Outdoor Pool opens Jun 8



County Commissioner Meeting
June 4th, 2024

Call to Order 0:00
Pledge of Allegiance
Approval of Minutes May 21, 2024

General County Business
- MOU Federal Land Access Program (FLAP)  0:30
- Comments on Lake De Smet camp areas
- National Old Growth Amendment US Forest Service 15:30
- Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF) Allocations  18:55
- Eagle View Contract for Aerial Mapping 21:35

Vouchers 30:40

Public Comment
JCTA Lodging Tax Increase, Jody Sauers 32:45
New Commissioners Assistant - Kristen Kenyon 35:30
Buffalo Chamber of Commerce, Amber Eggers 35:55
St Francis Animal Shelter, Laura Ulrich 41:55
Request for audibility,  Gerry Spiering 43:30

Adjourn 46:00

City of Buffalo
Dept Head Meeting
June 4th, 2024

Open 0:10
Buffalo Community Ice Rink 0:25
City Pool Lifeguards 41:30
Recreation Board Funding Update 50:20
Trap & Skeet Building 54:40
Criminal Justice Center MOU 58:40
Pool Concessionaire Agreement 1:04:35
Major Capital Construction Projects Update 1:06:10

Department Head Items
Legal 1:17:00
Clerk 1:19:50
Police Chief 1:22:35
Building Inspector/Planning Director 1:23:55

Board Liaison & Council Updates
Councilor Madsen 1:25:40
Vice-Mayor John Camino 1:20:30
CouncilwomanCamino 1:32:15
City Clerk 1:33:20

Close 1:36:05

Next Dept Head Meeting
Tues July 2. 2024 @ 7 am

WYDOT Public Meeting
Main St Project Update
May 29th, 2024

Phase 1 of this extensive project begins next week. WYDOT held a brief public meeting outlining project updates and what to expect.   

Right now, we are inputting up-to-date information, but watch out for 307NetInfo's dedicated webpage for the construction project, including important updates and notices coming very soon!

For an overview of the project click here

For any questions or to subscribe to WYDOTs email notification list contact:

Laura Dalles at WYDOT
Public Relations Specialist
(t) 307 435 6604


Buffalo City Council Meeting
May 21st, 2024

Call To Order 0:00
Pledge of Allegiance
Approval of Agenda 0:30
Approval of Minutes - 
May 7, 2024 Regular Meeting Minutes

New Business
Mural Repair Contract 1:00
Ordinance #1416 – 1st Rdg -An ordinance providing an annual appropriation bill for annual
appropriation for fiscal year ending June 30, 2025.
Longmire Days Requests 5:10
Street Closure – E Fetterman from Main to Lobban 7 a.m. July 19 through 6 p.m. July 21
Street Closure – Angus from Wester to Burritt July 19 7 a.m. to 11 a.m.
Parade – July 20 8:30 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. – Western to Angus, Angus to Main, Main to Fort, Fort to BMCC parking lot
Designated Open Container - Sports Field Complex July 20 6 p.m. to 10 p.m.
Designated Open Container July 18-21 from 10 am-11 pm

Main Street Downtown
Kiwanis Pancake Breakfast 8:00
Kerry Aggen – Water meter replacement project 8:55

City Attorney, Dennis Kirven 15:30
Building Inspector, Terry Asay 15:40
Police Chief, Sean Bissett 16:00
Public Works Director, Kevin Silbernagel 16:15
Brent Bennett 18:00

Oral/Written Comments 18:15

Announcements  19:55    
Planning & Zoning Board mtg May 28 @ 1 pm
Dept Head mtg  - Jun 4 @ 7 a.m.
City/County mtg –Jun 18 @ 7 a.m.
City Council mtgs – Jun 4 & 18 @ 5 p.m.
City Comprehensive Plan survey available through May
City Council filing period May 16 – 31
City offices closed May 27 – Memorial Day

 Approval of Bills 24:00

Adjourn 25:25

County Commissioner Meeting
May 21st, 2024

Call to Order 0:00
Pledge of Allegiance
Approval May 7, 2024 Minutes

General County Business
Kaycee Library Update 1:00
Lodging Tax Request 25:30
Catering Permits 39:45
Chris LeDoux Days Requests 40:40
Public Health Contracts 42:45

Vouchers 57:15

Public Comment 58:25
- Bob Perry, Airport Board

Adjourn 59:30



Challenges for JCSD#1?
May 2024

Governor Gordon vetoed legislation to eliminate gun-free zones in most public places, including schools, across the state in March this year. Although shot down for now, it’s widely expected to be just a matter of time before it is presented again and passed into statute. This issue evokes strong reactions and is a far more complicated topic than many people realize. Supt. Auzqui addresses some of the challenges and the District's next action. 

At the end of any school year, staff turnover is anticipated. But with teaching experiencing a nationwide decline in new teachers entering the profession combined with an upswing in the number of teachers leaving the profession, how is CSD#1 faring in attracting and keeping staff? 

For more information about recent resignations, click here

As federal Covid-related funding ends, Superintendent Auzqui explains how the money JCSD#1 received was spent.  What impact did it have?  How much will the district feel the pinch? 

Cemetery District Board Meeting
May 14th, 2024

Open 0:10
Public Comment (none)
Approve Agenda 0:25
Approve Vouchers 1:50
Approve Previous Meeting Minutes 2:40

Finance Report 3:20

Sexton Report  15:20

Old Business 28:40
- Wall Repair

New Business 28:50
- Columbarium discussion

Preliminary Budget Approval 45:40

Executive Session 1:53:40
Personnel Discussion


JCSD#1 Board Meeting
May 13th, 2024

1. Regular Session
Pledge of Allegiance 0:10
Roll Call
Public Comment 1:40
BHS Gallery Presentation 1:50
Teacher of the Year 4:10
Whitney Foundation 6:10
Additions/Accept Agenda 14:40

2. General Reports
District Level Reports - Preliminary Budget 15:10
Principal Reports 34:40
Superintendent Reports 55:10
Director Reports  56:40
Rec Board Report 1:08:50
BOCES Report 1:09:40
BOCHES Report 1:10:40

3. Consent Agenda 1:11:2
Classified Staff Renewal

4. Action Items
Preliminary Budget - Approved 0:10
Salary Recommendations - Approved 1:2
Policy Revision - second reading 5:35     
Policy Revision - first reading  7:40
Communication Plan  10:50
Access Control 37:30   

5. Other Business
From the Board 47:50
Graduation Dates Reminder 52:50
Initiative 49:20    
Repealing Gun Free Zones 55:00
ESSER III 1:00:40. 
June Work Session 1:02:20
June Board Meeting 1:03:30

6. Executive Session 1:03:45
Personnel & Legal W.S. 16-4-405-(a)(ii)(iii)


Rural Healthcare District Board Meeting
May 13th, 2024

Open 0:15
Approve Agenda 0:20
Jake Wright, New Building 0:40
View & Approve Minutes General Meeting 24:45
View & Approve Treasurer’s Report 25:15

Buffalo Director’s Report 28:50
- Sheridan Memorial Hospital: Inter-facility Transfer Agreement
- AirMethods reimbursement for airport transports

Kaycee Director’s Report 1:09:20
- On-Call Pay Rate
- Kaycee Payroll Budget

Old Business
Budget Fiscal Yr 2425 Approve Preliminary Budget 1:

New Business (none)1:42:10 

Public Comment (none) 1:42:15

Review Vouchers 1:42:30
Adjourn 2:03:20

Police Chief addresses concerns about illegal immigrants
May 11th, 2024


On May 8th, 2024 at the regular meeting of City of Buffalo Department Heads, Police Chief Sean Bissett addressed public concern arising from incidents involving police earlier in the month.

Listen to Chief Bissett’s detailed report and explanation of events made at the meeting. 

This meeting of City Department Heads and City Council is held monthly on first Tuesday of the month 7:00 am at City Hall. 

Reid Rasner for US Senate
Town Hall
May 11th, 2024

Reid Rasner is challenging incumbent John Barrasso for his Senate seat in Washington, DC, arguing that Senator Barrasso has failed to protect or champion Wyoming’s interests effectively. Since announcing his candidacy in August 2023, Rasner has been rallying support across the state.

A self-proclaimed "disruptor," Rasner is a businessman from Casper with limited political experience. He believes his fresh ideas and perspectives resonate with Wyoming voters and promises to be a formidable challenger to the status quo.

Listen to the full audio from the Town Hall event at The Virginian Restaurant at The Occidental Hotel in Buffalo, WY. The event was conversational, taking questions from attendees, without prepared speeches or statements, and addressed a wide range of issues important to voters.

Listen and decide for yourself how well Reid Rasner’s views align with your own and if he should win your vote. .

For more information:
Click here

We apologize for poor audio quality.  We have done everything possible to improve it but are limited by the acoustics of the venue and background noise.

Spotlight On The BATS Bus
May 2024

You’ve probably seen them around?  Or maybe you’ve noticed the spanking new barn by the Senior Center on W Fetterman St?  The BATS Bus is a little-known gem of a service to Buffalo and surrounding area.   BATS is short for ‘Buffalo Area Transit System’ which perfectly describes the service. 

Need a ride?  BATS Bus is a convenient and affordable option.  Even as far afield as Sheridan and Gillette.  Many people think it’s just for Seniors but it’s for anyone and everyone who wants to get from A to B. 

Find out more.  How to catch a ride, how much it costs, and how it can give a person some valuable independence.   

For more information
Or call 307 684 9551


Buffalo City Council Meeting
May 7th, 2024

Call to Order 0:00
Pledge of Allegiance
Approval of Agenda
Approval of April 16, 2024 Minutes

New Business
Saturdays in the Square, Dusty Hill 1:00
JC Tourism Association, Jody Sauers & Toby Carrig 3:00
Proclamation - Poppy Day May 10 12:00
Proclamation - Mental Health Month May 2024 13:50
Proclamation - Arbor Day May 8 23:20
Resolution #1477 - Resolution determining the amount of taxes to be raised for municipal purposes for the City of Buffalo.  Fiscal yr ending June 30, 2025. 24:40
Federal Project STP-E-P591009 Revised concurrence letter 25:30
Lease Agreement - 149 Stockyard road 26:50
Request to access city water outside city limits - Troy & Michelle Muffet 27:45
WAM Voting Delegate 29:50

City Attorney, Dennis Kirven  30:50
Building Inspector & Planning Director, Terry Asay 31:00
Police Chief, Sean Bissett 32:15
Public Works Director, Kevin Silbernagel 34:00
Brent Bennett, Nelson Engineering 34:15

Oral/Written Comments 36:25
Cindy Woolston & Kerry Aggen - City Water
Kerry Aggen - Water Meters 

Announcements  41:10
City Budget mtg - May 13@ 1pm
City/County mtg - May 21@ 7 am
City Council mtg - May 21@ 5 pm.
Planning & Zoning Board mtg May 28@ 1 pm
City Comprehensive Plan survey available through May
City Council filing period May 16-31

Approval of Bills 41:45

Adjourn 42:00

County Commissioner Meeting
May 7th, 2024

Call to Order 0:00
Pledge of Allegiance
Approval of April 16, 2024 Minutes

General County Business
Forest Service Law Enforcement, Sheriff Odenbach 1:00
County Commissioner Scholarships 3:10
Catering Permits, Jackie Camino 4:00
Problem Gambling Funds, Commissioners 7:15

Vouchers 15:40

Public Comment
JC Tourism Association Jody Sauers, Toby Carrig 16:30
Bob Perry, Kaycee Library Improvement

Adjourn 20:45


City of Buffalo
Dept. Head Meeting
May 7th, 2024

Open 0:00
149 Stockyard Road Lease Agreement 0:15
WYDOT 2024 Revised Agreement 1:20
WAM Resolutions 3:50
Bald Mountain Sanitation Lawn Care Agreement 6:00
Major Capital Construction Projects 11:00
- Street Lighting
- Wells Project
- Waste Water Plant / Water Meter Replacement
- Sunset Ave Construction

Department Head Items
Public Works, Kevin Silvernagel 16:45
County Attorney, Dennis Kirven 19:50
Municipal Clerk, Julie Silbernagel 43:30
Police Chief, Sean Bissett 44:50
Planning Director/Building Inspector 51:40

Council Items
Mike Madden, Food Truck Permits 1:01
Mayor Schrader, City Pool

Adjourn 1:04

Saturdays In The Square '24
Who is Playing?
May 2024

There's truly nothing like basking in the warmth of a summer day and temporarily letting go of the world's worries and immersing in the magic of live music.

'Saturdays in the Square', hosted at Crazy Woman Square in Buffalo, has garnered quite a following.  This year, three dates have been scheduled, promising an array of talented musicians hailing all the way from Bozeman to Nashville.

While the events draw folks from out of town, they are primarily for local people to enjoy great live music without having to travel far from home.

Dusty Hill, from Lobban Street Music, the organization behind Saturdays In The Square is always scouting out new bands.   He recently stopped by to unveil who is set to grace the stage this summer.

Find out more about the lineup of musicians, how they are chosen, and what to expect from this year’s Saturdays In The Square.   

Make sure to mark your calendars! Gather your tribe and head to Crazy Woman Square for an unforgettable experience.

Click here for Summer '24 dates and artists

For more information:
Saturdays In The Square

Property Tax Refund
Do You Qualify?
April 26th 2024

The Property Tax Refund program has been expanded this year to include households with up to 145% percent of the Median Household Income for Johnson County ($107,184). The application period is open until June 3rd, and it’s worth checking if you are now eligible.  

Applications should be made through the Johnson County Treasurer’s Office (not the County Assessor). 

Johnson County Treasurer Carla Bishop explains more about the program, eligibility, and how to apply.

The thresholds and refunds vary county by county.  
In Johnson County you are eligible if:
  - WY resident for 5 years
  - Resident in the property for 9 months of the year
  - Household income below $107,184
  - Assets below $156,900 per adult 
  - Paid 2023 taxes on your home

For more information:  Prpty Tax Refund Flyer

Still unsure if you qualify?  JC Treasurer’s Office is here to help. Call or stop by in person to find out more. 
JC Treasurer Carla Bishop
76 n Main St, Buffalo,  WY 82834
Mon - Fri 8:00am - 5:00pm
Tel: 307 684 7302

For online applications click here


Pack Like A Pro
Back Country Horse Packing
April 26th 2024

Horse backpacking offers unique advantages for exploring the most secluded and serene areas of Wyoming.  On horseback, you can travel further, stay out longer without sacrificing necessities, and keep the wilderness pristine.   Many riders have come to deeply treasure the experience, perspective, and companionship of extended horseback adventures.  

But horse packing is not as simple as just loading up your gear and heading out on the trail.  Taking time to understand proper techniques not only builds your confidence but also ensures a more enjoyable and less stressful adventure for both horse and rider. 

Whether you are a complete newcomer to horseback packing or have experience there is much to be gained from developing your skills and expertise.   

Cloud Peak Back Country Horsemen, a local group, is putting on a free clinic on Sat May 4th that provides hands-on guidance from experienced instructors whatever your level of expertise.

Listen and find out more about the clinic and the local chapter of Back Country Horsemen.

For more information about the clinic:
Horse Packing Flyer-3

For more information about Back Country Horsemen: 
Floyd Roadifer: e
Cloud Peak Back Country Horsemen

Back Country Horsemen of America 

JC Hospital District Board Meeting
April 24th 2024

Approve previous Board meeting minutes 0:00
Approve Consent Agenda 0:45
Chief of Staff Report 1:45
Leadership Reports 7:00
Leadership Development Presentation 20:00
Evaluation Update Discussion 58:30
CEO Report 1:24:00
JCHC Financial Performance 1:38:30
Credentialing 2:04:15
Executive Session 2:08:30


Open House about Richardson Park
Possible Sewer Extension
April 23rd 2024

Handout Richardson Park 4:25:24

Note:  If you received a copy of the handout at the meeting it was missing Page 2.

Richardson Park is comprised of approximately 100 homes.  None are hooked to City sewer or water services.  County Planner Jim Waller is concerned that septic systems are aging out and the small lot sizes severely limit options for replacement.   

One solution could be extending City sewer up to the Richardson Park Subdivision boundary. 

Listen to the Open House hosted jointly by the City and County. The purpose was to explain the key issues and provide a Q&A session for property owners.

For more information:
Jim Waller
Johnson County GIS Manager/County Planner

Jeff Shelley, County Commissioner
307 684 7272

Scott Madsen, City Council
307 684 5566

A New Focus for JCSD#1?
What Will Be The Impact?
April 22nd, 2024

JCSD#1 is poised for a transformation if its new draft Strategic Plan is adopted, marking a pivotal shift in the district's culture.

Unlike the decade-old existing plan which heavily emphasized students, the new strategy broadens its focus to incorporate staff development and support.

Strategic plans should serve as an essential tool for aligning all stakeholders—staff, students, parents, and the community —toward shared objectives, effectively acting as a blueprint for success. However, over 90% of organizations fail to implement their plans effectively. 

What will be the implications of these changes of students and staff?  How significant is this shift in direction for everyone involved?   Supt. Auzqui explains and outlines what is needed for it to succeed. 

The Road to Excellence?

Identifying the specific combination of ingredients that lead to higher levels of achievement and performance can be challenging. In February 2024, a group of twelve from JCSD#1 journeyed to schools in Thermopolis, Worland, and Powell to discover quite what it is that has those schools attaining enviable ‘high performing’ status. 

What strategies and practices did they discover that could be implemented or adapted at JCSD#1?
The enthusiasm and energy from the group, comprising school board members, teachers, and administrators, was palpable following their visit.  Could their insights be the key to unlocking new levels of excellence within JCSD#1?

BHS Principal Gib Ostheimer, Dean of Students Chris Cox, Supt. Charles Auzqui,  School Board Trustees Casey Rodriguez & Marcia Goddard, and Kasshan Mathson BHS School Counselor review their visit.  

Camporee 2024
Good News or Bad News?
April 2024

Have you heard about Camporee 2024? If not, you definitely should. From August 5-11th, for the first time, Gillette will host this immense youth camping event at the Camplex, expecting a staggering 60,000 attendees from around the globe.

Camporee will turn the Camplex into a pop-up city populated by young Seventh-Day Adventist Pathfinders aged 10 to 15. Held every five years, Camporee serves as a pivotal experience in the church’s Pathfinder program, which parallels scouting with a religious dimension. These Pathfinders will be setting up camp and purchasing all their necessities locally. 

What about the wider impact? It's not only Gillette that will feel the effects. Surrounding areas, including Buffalo, are also set to experience an influx of Camporee visitors, and Gillette locals seeking a retreat from the influx. 

There are both potential benefits and undeniable challenges that come with the event.  Organizers have been preparing for three years from previous Camporees, especially those held in Oshkosh, Wisconsin. Consider the logistics needed to support a population more than twice the size of Gillette's usual 38,000 residents. 

Regional Emergency Management Coordinators are bracing for significant local impact. For local businesses, this could mean a surge in customers; however, this could also put a strain on services and infrastructure. 

The timing compounds the impact.  Camporee lands right after Johnson County Fair & Rodeo, coincides with the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally, and all amidst WYDOT's construction projects on roads north and south into Buffalo. 

Emergency Management Coordinators at the forefront of preparing our region discuss how this could impact work and play in Johnson County and point to issues that local businesses and service providers should be preparing.

For more information:
Camporee 2024


Jimmy Cataline
JC Emergency Management Coordinator
26 N DeSmet Ave
Buffalo, WY 82834
Office: (307) 684-2761
Cell: (307) 620-0837


What's Up With The Water?
Buffalo City Water
April 2024

We take for granted that we turn on the tap and have a reliable and plentiful source of potable water on demand.  But have you ever paused to consider what it takes to get it from the source to your glass?

307NetInfo took a ‘deep dive’ into business at the Water Treatment Plant.    Find out where our water comes from, and the journey it takes to get to your house.  What happens to it along the way?  How much is it treated?  Is that enough or too much?    Some people have commented on unpleasant ‘taste and odor’ from time to time.  If it tastes bad, is it bad to drink?   

Find out more in our conversation with City of Buffalo representatives responsible for providing this essential service. 

For More Information:
Environmental Protection Agency 

Wyoming Water Quality Standards

Kevin Silbernagel, City of Buffalo Public Works Director, oversees Buffalo’s water supply. 
You can reach him at:
Phone: 307 684 5566

City Hall, 46 N Main St, Buffalo WY 82834


Buffalo City Council Meeting
April 16th, 2024

Call to Order
Pledge of Allegiance
Approval of Agenda
Approval of Minutes April 2, 2024

New Business
WYDOT Main St @024 - City concurrence 1:05
City Comprehensive Plan Survey

City Attorney, Dennis Kirven (none)
Building Inspector/Planning Director, Terry Asay (none)
Police Chief, Sean Bissett 4:55
Public Works Director 7:45

Oral/Written Comments (none)  8:50

Planning & Zoning Board mtg Apr 24 @ 1 pm
Dept Head Meeting May 7 @ 7 am
City/County Meeting May 21 @ 5 pm
City Council Meetings May 7 & 21 @ 5 pm
City Budget Meetings Apr 22, May 6 & 13 @ 1 pm
City Comprehensive Plan survey throughout April

Approval of Bills  9:40

Adjourn 10:00

County Commissioner Meeting
April 16th, 2024

Call to Order 0:00
Pledge of Allegiance
Approval of April 2, 2024 Minutes

General County Business
Budget Hearing Resolution #720 1:00
Approve Comprehensive Land Use Plan Contract 4:20
1% Allocations 7:20
Novo Benefits Update 8:20
Resume 1% Allocations 26:00
    i. Prior Year Reversions
    ii. 2024 Allocations

Preliminary Budget Discussion 41:15
    1. Final Bill Pay Date - June 25th
    2.Budget Hearing Schedule
    3. Final Budget Hearing Date
TANF Application Approval 45:30
Cybersecurity Grant Renewal Approval 47:40
Approval 2024 Election Districts
(Precincts/Polling Places) 53:20Approval of Covid-19 Grant Amendment 57:55
North/South Bypass Project 1:01:55

Vouchers 1:16:45

Letters to US Game & Fish opposing Grizzly Bears, opposing grizzly bears Big Horn Nat Forest 1:18:00

Public Comment 1:
Jim Waller - Richardson Park Open Hous 1:19:00

Adjourn 1:20:40
Executive Session - personnel

City County Meeting
April th, 2024

Update for Main St Project 0:00
Interim Legislative Meetings in Buffalo 5:20
4-H Shooting Sports (Building Lease) 6:35 
Round Table 25:50
Richardson Park Public Meeting, Julie Silbernagel
City Comprehensive Plan, Myra Camino
Chamber of Commerce Ribbon Cuttings, Shane Schrader
Richardson Park Public Comments, Jeff Shelley 28:30
Affordable Housing, Jerry Spiering  
Extension Office Remarks 30:20
Tourism Board (Jody Sauers) 30:45

Close 33:20

Next Meeting May 21 @ 7:00 am


County Comprehensive Land Use Plan
Commissioner Bill Novotny
April 15th, 2024

The last Johnson County Comprehensive Land Use Plan was adopted in 2005.  Much has changed in Johnson County since then, leading County Commissioners to contract a new comprehensive plan.   

Some people are wondering if it’s worth the $100,000+ price tag, others suspect this is a backdoor way of introducing county zoning.

JC County Commission Chairman Bill Novotny discusses the scope and purpose of this new plan and how it will be a valuable resource for local government.