The View from Cheyenne.
Senator Kinskey
Feb 15 2023

It’s already Week 6 of our regular updates with Senator Dave Kinskey.  The remainder of the session will be driven by the process itself.  As he describes, it’s a lot of hurry up and wait.

The budget remains the priority as Senate and House close in on what to save and what to spend.  A resolution may be reached as early as next week. 

Wyoming’s suicide crisis has been front of mind for legislators as they debated funding for the 988 Suicide Hotline. Supporters did not get the trust fund they asked for but the line will provide what Kinskey calls “critical” support to address the crisis. 

In a surprise turn of events, the crossover voter issue is back on the table, an issue that has Senator Kinskey’s support.   

Property tax relief is still not resolved but hope remains for a Senate-generated proposal being considered by the House, and a refund program is still in play.   

Senator Kinskey closes with his remarks on whether this session has taken a turn to hard-right, conservative values. 

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