Dean of Students and Counselors Madonna Esponda and Michelle Dahlberg led this parent information meeting.
2:00 BHS is suspending its dress code for midriffs and hats for a trial period in April after Spring Break. How did this come about? How will this relaxation of the rules play out? Madonna Esponda explains.
14:30 Summer School will be available to students this June. Find out more and who is eligible.
17:40 Hathaway Scholarship information. BHS wants as many as possible to be Hathaway qualified even if they don’t necessarily see college or college in Wyoming in their future as it has wide applicability and students remain qualified to receive it for up to four years after graduation. Michelle Dahlberg shares more details.
Next meeting Tuesday April 18 at 5:15 pm at BHS. All parents of current 8th Graders are encouraged to join for an introduction to BHS.
For more information about Hathaway Scholarship visit
Madonna Esponda 684 2269
Michelle Dahlberg 684 2269