Struggling With High Property Tax?
Representative Barry Crago’s Proposal.
Jan 2023

Wyoming property owners have been grappling with significant increases in residential property taxes for the last two years, creating widespread anxiety and a pressing need for relief.   As the legislative session approaches, all eyes are on lawmakers for a meaningful solution.    

Johnson and Sheridan County House Representative Barry Crago presents his proposed bill to reduce the tax burden. What does it involve, and what effects might it have on Wyoming residents?  Moreover, what are its chances of being implemented?

Find out more as we delve into the details of Representative Crago’s plan and examine other potential solutions.  Among these is the ‘Peoples Initiative, an ambitious effort aiming to cut residential property taxes by 50%. 

How viable are these initiatives, and what impact could it have?   Join us as we explore these critical issues.  

Click here for “The Second Homesteading” an earlier 307NetRadio feature with Johnson County Planner, Jim Waller about growth in Johnson County.