There are 5 candidates running for 4 seats. They will join Randy Brown, Lynette Fox, Jan Johnson, Kristen LeDoux and Jodi Verplancke.The candidates are Anita Bartlett, Dave Belus, Marcia Goddard, Travis Pearson, Paul Rickett and Casey Rodriguez.
Paul Rickett is out of town and unable to join. Kesa Knudsvig-Andrews withdrew earlier this week.
Introduction 0:00
1. What previous qualifications or experience do you have that would benefit this position? 2:45
2. Do you have a specific reason for running at this time? 9:30
3. A school board is responsible for seeing that the schools are well run but does not run them. How would you accomplish that? 12:35
4. Schools are expected to deliver much more than classroom education. What would be your focus and priorities? 17:30
5. Tough economic times require tough decisions. What do you consider are the `essential elements of a strong local education system? 22:15
6. What will you do to ensure the school board positively impacts student achievement?
7. Are there specific actions or proposals by the current school board with which you either agree or disagree? 30:25
8. Consider the end of your term in office. What do you hope will have been accomplished during your time? 35:00
Rebuttals or Specific Additional Comment 38:35
Closing Statements 40:15
Public Questions 43:10
What about Critical Race Theory (incl. comment by Supt. Charles Auzqui)
How would you tackle parent-teacher disagreement 46:30Candidates opinions on which activities/extra curricular activities should be cut 49:15
Cutting teacher salaries 52:15
Making school board business more transparent 53:50