Survivors of Suicide Loss Support Group
March 2024
Too many people in our community have been touched by direct experience of a loss from suicide.
Any form of grief can be challenging, but the emotions experienced after a suicide can be more intense and conflicting compared to other types of loss. Survivors might feel anger, guilt, confusion, and despair all at once. There’s often a strong sense of guilt, with survivors wondering if they could have done something to prevent the death causing a sense of responsibility or guilt.
This search for answers can be mentally and emotionally exhausting.
You may not feel you are a ‘group’ person but compassionate support and understanding can make a huge difference in providing support for family and friends left behind trying to make sense of a loss by suicide.
Lorraine Steppe and Bill Hawley host ‘Survivors of Suicide Loss’, a support group that meets monthly in Buffalo. Listen and find out more about this safe and confidential space for those who have had any kind of experience of suicide.
For more private & confidential information contact:
Lorraine Steppe and The Pines Counseling
307 684 5828 or
Survivors of Suicide Loss meeting 3rd Thursday of each month at 6:30 pm.
It’s free, non-religious and confidential and open to all survivors of suicide loss.
Call for location details.
Other sources of support:
Alliance of Hope for suicide loss survivors
988 Suicide Support Lifeline