Tensions within WY GOP?
Does it Matter?
with Barry Crago July 2024

The Wyoming Republican Party is increasingly divided, marked by deepening discord and rancor. The rift is primarily between the Wyoming Freedom Caucus, self-described “true Conservatives” focused on family values, freedoms, and smaller government, and the “Wyoming Caucus,” a group somewhat reminiscent of Reagan-era “Big Tent” conservatism. The latter criticizes the Freedom Caucus for its block-voting tactics, which they argue hinder debate and collaboration, ultimately undermining Wyoming’s best interests.

During the short 2024 Budget Session, legislators in both chambers struggled to reach a consensus, and debate became increasingly terse and fractious. This division raises significant questions for voters in the 2024 elections regarding the future of Wyoming and the Republican Party’s legislative effectiveness.

Barry Crago, currently House District 40 Representative, and now standing for Senate seat 22, aligns more with the Wyoming Caucus way of thinking. He joined 307NetInfo and reflected on his two terms in office and the changing tenor of legislating, sharing his opinions on what voters should consider when choosing their candidates this year.

NOTE: This interview was recorded on May 15th, 2024, prior to the candidate filing period for Senate and House District seats. Barry Crago has since filed to run for Senate Seat 22, which represents Johnson County and an area of south-east Sheridan County.  

307NetInfo also invited Freedom Caucus members for interview to present both perspectives but has not yet received a response.