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Cemetery District Board Meeting

District Board Special Meeting.
Aug 2, 2023

August 4, 2023
Posted in ,

Johnson County Cemetery District Board held a Special Meeting on Wednesday, August 2nd, 2023 to appoint two new Board members to fill vacant positions and also to appoint a new sexton. 

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County commissioner meeting in session.

County Commissioner Meeting.
Aug 1 2023

August 4, 2023
Posted in ,

Call to Order 0:00Pledge of AllegianceApproval of July 17, 2023 Minutes General County BusinessGMRS Radio Project 0:45Tisdale Mountain Lease 3:50Fire Resolution #710 10:15Boundary Line Adjustment 17:45Vouchers 22:00Public Comment 24:30

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Buffalo City Council meeting logo.

Buffalo City
Council Meeting.
Aug 1 2023

August 3, 2023
Posted in ,

Call to Order 0:00Pledge of AllegianceApproval of AgendaApproval of Minutes – July 18, 2023 Unfinished Business 1:10– JoCo 1st Fire Panel Funding Request– Jerry Spiering – Affordable Housing Update 20:00 New Business–  Grace Fellowship request for Variance to City Code 16-26.1 Noise 25:15–  Friends Feeding…

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First board meeting of the JoCo Economic Development.

JoCo 1st Board Meeting.
July 26 2023

July 30, 2023
Posted in ,

Call to Order & Introductions 0:00Consent Agenda 1:00–  June 28, 2023 Minutes–  June 2023 Financial Report–   Staff Written Report–   Employee Handbook final review & approval Finance Committee (Rick Myers, Treasurer) 2:40–  Accountant Changes–  Report of Awarded Funding FY 23/24–  Status of City/County Invoicing…

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The logo of JCHC with text: JC Hospital Board Meeting

JC Hospital
Board Meeting.
July 26 2023

July 30, 2023
Posted in ,

Review & Approve prior Board meeting minutes  0:00Chief of Staff Report 0:35Leadership Reports 2:15CEO Report 14:30Approval of Credentialing 34:00JCHC Financial Performance 37:45FY 2022 Audit Review 51:30 Executive Session – Personnel Adjourn

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Buffalo City Council meeting logo.

Buffalo City
Council Meeting.
July 18 2023

July 20, 2023
Posted in ,

Call to Order 0:00Pledge of AllegianceApproval of Agenda 0:40Approval of Minutes, Regular Meeting 5 July 2023 0:50 Unfinished Business 1:00 New Businessa. Margo Brown – mural update 1:10b. YMCA – Klondike Rush Street Closure request 8:10c. KBJ Economic Development Joint Powers Board/JoCo 1st Project Update 10:30 d.…

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County commissioner meeting in session.

County Commissioners Meeting.
July 17, 2023

July 20, 2023
Posted in ,

We apologize for the poor audio quality.  This is not an acceptable standard.  Electronic equipment interfered placed close by interfered with the quality of the audio recording.   We have identified a solution so that this does not happen again.  Call to…

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Cemetery District Board Meeting

District Board Meeting.
July 11 2023

July 13, 2023
Posted in ,

Open 0:00Letters of Board Members Resignation – John Hansen, David Moate 0:10 Election of New Officers 1:10– Luke Goddard – Chair– Liz Graves – Vice Chair–  Sheila Camino – Treasurer Budget Hearing FY 24 3:10– Budget Approval Public Announcement – Request for Two New…

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JCSD#1 Board of Education meeting logo.

JCSD#1 Board Meeting.
July 10 2023

July 11, 2023
Posted in ,

Regular Session 0:00Pledge of AllegianceRoll CallPublic Comment  0:30Additions/Accept Agenda 0:55 Superintendent Report 1:30Director Reports – Facilities 3:20Principal ReportsCurriculum & Learning ReportSpecial Services Report 13:00Business Report 16:45Rec Board Report 1:30:30BOCES Report 1:31:45BOCHES Report 1:32:00 Leadership Governance 2.2; 2.3; 1.7 1:32:10Consent Agenda 1:33:00MinutesWarrantsEmployment Public Budget Hearing 1:33:30Proposed FY24 BudgetFY23 Budget AmendmentWDE LEA Assurances Other Business 1:40:40From…

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An ambulance with the word "ambulance" on it.

Rural Healthcare
District Board Meeting.
July 12 2023

July 11, 2023
Posted in ,

Budget Hearing 0:00Regular Meeting Called to Order 8:31Approve Agenda 9:30Approval of Audit 9:40Vouchers 1:00Approved Minutes of General Meeting 1:17:30Approve Minutes of Special Meeting 1:17:45Treasurer’s Report  1:18:00Buffalo Director’s Report 1:21:45Kaycee Director’s Report 1:26:00CMS Report 1:37– Motion to Pay Crosby Taylor 1:47:40RFP New Building 1:48:10Employees Handbook 1:48:45Ambulance Purchase Adjourn 2:02.30

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Buffalo City Council meeting logo.

Buffalo City
Council Meeting.
July 5 2023

July 6, 2023
Posted in ,

Call to Order 0:00Pledge of AllegianceApproval of AgendaApproval of Minutes Unfinished Business New Business 2:00–  FY24 Final Budget Clarification–  Big Horn Mountain Radio Network Requests: Dance in the Park Aug 4 2:30–  Chamber of Commerce – Fair & Rodeo Parade Street Closure Aug…

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Magnifying glass over newspaper headlines about affordable housing crisis.

The Affordable
Housing Crisis.
July 2023

July 5, 2023
Posted in

Employers in Johnson County are struggling to bring in  employees across all private and business sectors.  It’s not that people don’t want to come here to live and work – in fact quite the reverse.  The area and the jobs…

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